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Nominating delegate to NIAC

  • To: "Discussion list of the IUCr Committee for the Maintenance of the CIFStandard (COMCIFS)" <comcifs@iucr.org>
  • Subject: Nominating delegate to NIAC
  • From: James Hester <jamesrhester@gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 9 May 2019 10:09:37 +1000
  • DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20161025;h=mime-version:reply-to:from:date:message-id:subject:to;bh=hLwj5yoP2T5eggjupX4pXgLgKaW0velVcD99ScQ3sv0=;b=jqOzeNrBFmnIzJs3UtaFZw3TMLZlMoqDjgQsTxEUYeHFSVFw4mtKi/v2N436qOVSVvMtZ/nsFeLkBlXRLhqsGiIEs6FCRm4UG0QUSpCkuGiUP8J9mkwTOi5pwg1+PbqeWJFasiytj9nbrTKMhEBcXkyAG/wWjgt+KaWzed1Sk6LQqcMjZ32o0NebajEzea/I9t5yrPnYLxlelSWf/n/kxOUOyx4BPmiB4f9CT3qr0yr3DohdqdWuKDliTiO5uIzv6NHvmZmsnrNswJbkX5kRK+qWu6dYFUTiHb0A/UXJVGIVKzm6OgCMS8K91cOsB9kDxfhb0P5HJEs7K6GjnWfZgA==

The NeXus international advisory committee (NIAC) oversees standards for expressing data using the NeXus/HDF5 framework (see nexusformat.org). As their work overlaps with the work of COMCIFS in several areas, particularly in the area of raw crystallographic image data, the committees maintain contact via a COMCIFS representative on NIAC.  For many years Herbert Bernstein has acted as this contact and has built up a good working relationship with NIAC.  NIAC are now requesting that we formally renew his nomination to NIAC, and I am happy to second Herbert's nomination.  Please advise if you are interested in nominating for this position within the next 7 days, otherwise I will advise NIAC that Herbert continues to be our nominee. 

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