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Re: [CommDat] John Westbrook

This is very sad news. I have had many interactions with John over the years around various CIF projects, and many of you will remember his typically thoughtful and informed contributions only a few months ago at our COMCIFS meeting. He will indeed be greatly missed in our community.

On Thu, 21 Oct 2021 at 00:48, Brian McMahon via CommDat <commdat@iucr.org> wrote:
It is with great sadness that I pass on the news I have received
of John Westbrook's sudden death a couple of days ago. John was a
long-standing member of the IUCr Committee for the Maintenance of
the CIF Standard and of the IUCr Committee on Data and its precursor,
the Diffraction Data Deposition Working Group. He also served in the
past as a Co-editor of Acta Crystallographica Section F, and on
the Commission on Crystallographic Computing.

John's many significant contributions to the work of these bodies will
be familiar to all of you. He was also, of course, an essential member
of the Protein Data Bank team, largely responsible for its software
architecture and development since its re-formation under the RCSB.

He will be greatly missed as a friend, a colleague, and a wise

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