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Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Seminar on Crystallography: "Frontier of Crystallography"
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In November 2024, the Institute for Protein Research (IPR), the Research Center for Crystalline Materials Engineering (RCCME) and the Comprehensive Research Organization for Science and Society (CROSS) successfully hosted the Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Seminar on Crystallography: “Frontiers of Crystallography.” The event was held at the FUJI Hall, located in the EI (Emergent/Innovative) Engineering Building at Nagoya University, and brought together around 30 participants from Japan and Taiwan.
The Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Seminar on Crystallography, originally established in 1990, was temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic but has now resumed. With the goal of advancing crystallography in both Japan and Taiwan and fostering ongoing personal connections, leading researchers were invited to engage in research exchanges.
In the opening remarks, Professor Kurisu from Osaka University and Professor Nei-Li Chan from National Taiwan University, who have maintained a close relationship over 20 years, provided their experience on the bilateral relationship. Professor Hasegawa from Nagoya University also introduced RCCME, highlighting the structural science conducted at the center. The scientific session featured high-level presentations by eight young researchers in fields such as structural biology, MicroED and functional small molecules, as outlined below:
(1) Naruhiko Adachi, Japan. "Setup and operation of 3DED/microED experiments at KEK and Tsukuba University."
(2) Yu-Yuan Hsiao, Taiwan. "Structural analysis of TREX1: From catalytic property identification to inhibitor development."
(3) Kazuki Kawahara, Japan. "Structural biology of the type IV pillus from enteric bacterial pathogens."
(4) Shih-Ming Lin, Taiwan. "Calcium-dependent modulation and lectin domain function in the activation of Vibrio campbellii α-hemolysin."
(5) Toshiyuki Sasaki, Japan. "Tailoring structural analysis of functional small-molecule crystals with X- ray and electron diffraction methods depending on crystal properties."
(6) Chyuan-Chuan Wu, Taiwan. "Structural basis of mitochondrial DNA degradation machinery."
(7) Yuya Hanazono, Japan. "Structural analysis of amide protons using high-resolution neutron crystallography."
(8) Wen-Ting Lo, Taiwan. "Structural basis of class II phosphoinositide 3-kinase regulation and pharmacological inhibition."
At the end of the scientific session, Professor Nakagawa from Osaka University provided an overview of the upcoming AsCA 2025 conference, which will be held in Taipei next year and co-organized by Japan and Taiwan. In his closing remarks, Professor Sugiyama, President of CrSJ, highlighted the longstanding bilateral relationship in crystallography and underscored the importance of continued collaboration. Following the symposium, a banquet was held in Nagoya University’s cafeteria, where participants enjoyed lively discussions over beer and wine. This meeting showcased the strong ties built over three decades, with knowledge and camaraderie passed from generation to generation. We believe this symposium will contribute to the success of AsCA 2025.
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