11th Polish Crystal Growing Competition for Schools 2024

Monika ObozMagdalena Szubka

The first edition of the Polish Crystal Growing Competition for Schools organized at the Institute of Physics of the University of Silesia in 2014 was inspired by Dr Hanna Dąbkowska, a member of the IUCr Commission for Crystal Growth. The competition immediately gained great popularity and, since 2014, has been held every year.

Over 220 participants from 45 different towns participated in this year's 11th edition of the competition, sending over 300 good-quality crystals.

[poster]The event was co-financed by the Silesian Voivodeship - Co-organizer of the European City of Science, Katowice 2024.

Traditionally, the jury selected three winners and distinguished over 20 works. The award ceremony occurred on June 13, 2024, during the "Crystals: order, beauty and utility" conference at the Institute of Physics of the University of Silesia in Katowice.

It was held under the patronage of the dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Professor Danuta Stróż, and director of the Institute of Physics of the University of Silesia, Professor Sebastian Pawlus.

During the conference, lectures were given by invited outstanding specialists from national research centers, such as the Institute of High Pressures of the Polish Academy of Sciences (UNIPRESS) and the Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

At the awards gala, there was a presentation of the winners and participants distinguished in the competition and an award ceremony.

The conference ended with a poster session of the winners and authors of distinguished works, during which awards for the best poster were presented.

The conference and the competition awards gala took place during Crystal Week, part of the celebrations organized by an Academic Consortium of seven public universities as part of the European City of Science 2024, a title awarded to Katowice by the European Commission.

The Polish Crystal Growth Society and the Crystallography Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences provided the patronage of the competition.

[crystalwinner]Joanna Ajdukiewicz, Teacher - Agata Bladoszewska, 1st Bilingual Secondary School named after Edward Dembowski, Gliwice, 1st place, C6H8O7.

[2ndplace]Wiktor Januszkiewicz, Teacher - Maria Rogozińska, Szymczak XXXV General Secondary School with Bilingual Departments named after Bolesław Prus, Warszawa, 2nd place, K(Al,Cr)(SO4)2·12H2O.

[3rdplace]Bruno Głogowski, Teacher - Agnieszka Cacek, Primary School No. 221 with Integration Departments named after Barbara Bronisława Czarnowska, Warszawa, 3rd place, KAl(SO4)2·12H2O.
12 November 2024

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