Commission on Crystallography in Art and Cultural Heritage

Invited lectures

Gilberto Artioli delivered a keynote lecture on "The contribution of materials analysis to archaeological research" at the School of advanced training on "Analysis of materials in archaeology and cultural heritage", University of Trento (February 2020).

Gilberto Artioli delivered an invited lecture at the "Raw Materials University Day" on "Alpine copper: exploitation since prehistory to recent times", Università di Trento-KIC Raw Materials (November 2020). The video is available here.

CrysAC members’ activities

Cultural and Natural Heritage Workshop

Marine Cotte organized the workshop "Cultural and Natural Heritage Workshop", at ESRF (Grenoble, France, 22-24 January 2020). The following CrysAC members and consultants contributed:

  1. Basic principles of X-ray spectroscopy (M. Cotte)
  2. Scopes and objectives of the workshop (M. Cotte)
  3. Cultural Heritage & Synchrotron Radiation: Quo Vadis? (Koen Janssens)
  4. Complementary use of SR and neutrons for heritage study at NRC "Kurchatov institute" (Elena Tereschenko)

The presentations and other photos are available here.

Chemistry of Lead in Oil Paintings

Rijksmuseum Science Department hosted a workshop on the "Chemistry of Lead in Oil Paintings" (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20-21 February 2020). The following CrysAC members and consultants contributed:

  1. Tracking the chemical fate of Pb-containing pigments in works of art at different length and time scales (Koen Janssens)
  2. The Reactions of PbO with Oil Studied with X-ray and infrared Microscopy (Marine Cotte)
  3. The Reactivity of Lead-Based Pigments versus the Reactivity of Oils in Model Paints (Silvie Švarcová)
More information.

Other activities

Gilberto Artioli delivered a seminar on "Mineralogy, crystallography, art and archaeology: Science and passion" within the frame of "UniPadova Incontra" for high school students (Piazzola sul Brenta, February 2020).

Sebastian Bette delivered a seminar on "Calcium Acetate Hydrates: Simple Salts with Surprisingly Complex Crystal Structures" at the Joint Polish-German Crystallographic Meeting in Wroclaw (25th February 2020)

Gilberto Artioli delivered a seminar at the National Academy on "Mineralogy and cultural heritage: fatal attraction" (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, December 2020).

These pages are maintained by the Commission Last updated: 16 Dec 2021