Books, special issues of journals, tables
More details, including ISBN numbers and out-of-print books can be found at specialist booksellers on the web.
Electron Diffraction in the TEM. P.E.Champness. ISBN 1859961479. Bios 2001 (Royal Micros Soc.) Oxford UK
Analytical electron microscopy for materials science. D. Shindo, T. Oikawa. Springer (2002). Excellent, up to date, practical. (ELS, EDX, CBED, Alchemi, Sample prep, holography etc.)
High resolution electron microscopy and related techniques. P. Buseck, J.Cowley and L. Eyring, Eds. Oxford Univ. Press (1989). Comprehensive overview.
Electron Backscattering Diffraction in Materials Science. A. J. Schwartz, M. Kumar and B. L. Adams (Eds) Plenum (New York, 2000)
Atlas of Backscattering Kikuchi Diffraction Patterns. D. J. Dingley, K. Z. Baba-Kishi and V. Randle. IOP (Bristol, 1995)
Introduction to Texture Analysis. V. Randle and O. Engler. Gordon and Breach (Amsterdam 2000)
Texture and Anisotropy. U. F. Kocks, C. N. Tomé and H.-R. Wenk. Cambridge (Cambridge 1998)
Elastic and Inelastic Scattering in Electron Diffraction and Imaging. Z. L. Wang. Plenum (New York 1995)
Introduction to Analytical Electron Microscopy. J. J. Hren, J. I. Goldstein and D. C Joy. (Eds) Plenum (New York 1979)
Principles of Analytical Electron Microscopy. D. C. Joy, A. D. Romig and J. I. Goldstein. (Eds) Pleum (New York 1986)
Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction of Alloy Phases. J. Mansfield (Ed.) Adam Hilger (Bristol 1984)
Large-angle convergent beam electron diffraction. J. P. Morniroli. (Society of French Microscopists, Paris) 2002. In english. ISBN 2-901483-05-4
Diffraction Physics. J. M. Cowley. North-Holland. 3rd Edition. 1990
Advanced computing in electron microscopy. E. J. Kirkland. Plenum. New York. 1998
Transmission Electron Microscopy and Diffractometry of Materials. B. Fultz and J. Howe. Springer. 2001. Excellent coverage of theory and worked examples.
Fundamentals of HREM. S. Horiuchi. North Holland. 1994.
Structural Electron Crystallography. D. L. Dorset, Plenum/Kluwer. 1997. Mainly organics.
Transmission electron microscopy: A textbook for materials science. D. B. Williams and C. B. Carter. Plenum Press. 1996. Pedagogically sound introductory text.
High Resolution Electron Microscopy. J. C. H. Spence. Oxford Univ. Press. 2003. (3rd Edn) How to do HREM, and theory.
Electron energy loss spectroscopy in the electron microscope. R. F. Egerton. Plenum. New York. 2nd edition 1996
Convergent beam electron diffraction IV. M. Tanaka, M. Terauchi, K. Tsuda, K. Saitoh. JEOL Ltd. Tokyo. and earlier volumes. Superb collection of CBED patterns.
Electron microdiffraction. J. Spence and J. M. Zuo. (Plenum, 1992). How to do quantitative CBED. Worked example of finding space-group from CBED patterns.
Electron Diffraction Techniques. Vols 1 and 2. Oxford/IUCr Press. J. Cowley, ed. 1993
High resolution electron microscopy for materials science. D. Shindo, K. Hiraga. Springer. 1998.
Beautiful collection of HREM images and examples of their analysis.
Electron Microscopy of thin crystals. P. B. Hirsch et al. Krieger. New York. 1977
Classic text with many worked examples.
Electron-diffraction Analysis of Clay Mineral Structures. B. B. Zvyagin. Plenum. 1967
Electron Diffraction Structure Analysis. B. K. Vainshtein. Pergamon. 1964
Intro. to Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. R. J. Keyse, A. J. Garratt-Reed, P. J. Goodhew and G. W. Lorimer. (BIOS Scientific, Publishers, Royal Micros. Soc., 1998)
Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy. Rik Brydson. (BIOS Scientific Publishers, Royal Micros. Soc., 2001)
Transmission Electron Microscopy. 4th ed. L. Reimer. (Springer-Verlag 1997).
Excellent broad coverage with all the basic physics, including radiation damage.
Electron Holography. A. Tonomura. (Springer-Verlag, 1999)
Introduction to electron holography. E. Voelkl, Ed. (1998). Plenum.
Practical Electron Microscopy in Materials Science. J. W. Edington. (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1976)
Electron beam analysis of materials. M. Loretto. Chapman and Hall.1984. Excellent.
Electron microscopy in heterogeneous catalysis. P. Gai and E. Boyes. Inst Phys. (2003).
Interpretation of electron diffraction patterns. Andrews, K., Dyson, D., Keown, S. (1971). Plenum New York.
Crystallography and crystal defects. Reprinted by Techbooks, 4012 Williamsburg Court, Fairfax, Virginia, USA 22032.
JCPDS-ICDD Powder diffraction file. Identify crystalline phases from their diffraction data.
Special issue of Zeitschrift für Kristallographie on electron crystallography. 2003/4. U. Kolb.
Journal of Microscopy and Microanalysis (mid 2003) Special issue on Quantitative Electron Diffraction. J. C. H. Spence, editor.
Electron Microscopy and Analysis, 3rd Edition (2001). P. J. Goodhew, F. J. Humphreys and R. Beanland. Taylor & Francis, London, ISBN 0-7484-0968-8
Characterisation of Radiation Damage by Transmission Electron Microscopy. (2000) M. L. Jenkins and M. A. Kirk,
Introduction to Conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy. Prof. Marc De Graef: (Paper Back) (Hard Cover)
HOW TO INDEX A TRANSMISSION ELECTRON DIFFRACTION PATTERN See Fultz and Howe book Sections 1.1, 5.3.2 and 6.1. See Champness and Loretto books
USING A TEM FOR MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION AND SEEING ATOMS. See Fultz and Howe book pages 84-89, 155, 566-576
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