Report of 2002 Congress and Commission Meeting
Aug 14, Geneva
J. Spence chair, A. Eades Secretary
At an earlier meeting of the IUCr executive committee, the current committee was nominated; all those nominated subsequently agreed to serve on the new CED. 6 members of the new committee were present at the Geneva CED meeting.
The CED agreed that its mission was to promote electron crystallography and to provide a coordinating intelligence and resource for researchers. The IUCr executive requested that a new web page be established for the CED at the IUCr Chester site. This is it.
The CED discussed forthcoming meetings, especially the January '03 Delft meeting and the recently formed special interest groups of both the European Cryst. Soc. (ECA) and the American Cryst. Soc. (ACA).
A vote of appreciation was expressed to Sven Hovmuller for his work in organising schools in the past, and for his work with the CED.
An extended discussion followed on the possibility of making the CED a home for cryomicroscopists in biology. Bing Jap expressed the view that the materials scientists could learn a lot about quantification of data from the biologists, and no one disagreed. This general idea was supported. It was also agreed that the CED should welcome specialists in HREM and other imaging modes such as electron holography.