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New core dictionary release for your consideration

Dear Core DMG and CIF developers,

A new release of the core dictionary has been prepared. Before final release, you are all invited to check for any issues. Major changes should have been vetted by the core DMG already, of course.

Highlights of this release are available at https://github.com/COMCIFS/cif_core/wiki/Release-Notes-for-CIF-CORE-3.2.0 , within which you will find a link to every change relative to version 3.0.13 of a few years ago. Please comment on this release within the next month, and then once any issues raised have been resolved, this will become the final release and assigned a DOI. The actual text of the dictionary release candidate is available at https://github.com/COMCIFS/cif_core/blob/rc-3.2.0/cif_core.dic .

Note this is the first time we've put together release notes and tried a more formal release process. Any feedback on the process is welcome.

Best wishes,
James Hester (acting core DMG chair)

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