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COMCIFS housekeeping

Dear COMCIFS member/observer,

We are currently updating the COMCIFS membership webpage at the IUCr
(http://ww1.iucr.org/cif/comcifs/members.html).  Please take a moment
to check your details listed there (name / affiliation / email) and
advise me (jamesrhester@gmail.com) or Brian McMahon (bm@iucr.org) of
any changes that are necessary.

Some of you are subscribed to the mailing list only without having any
details published on the webpage - if you wish your details to be
added, please advise us.  Some of you are listed on the webpage, but
not subscribed to this mailing list - if you really do not want to be
subscribed to the mailing list, please advise us, otherwise we will
add your email to the list.  Alternatively, if you no longer want to
be considered a COMCIFS observer, please advise and we will remove
your details from the webpage as well.

Best wishes,
James Hester.

T +61 (02) 9717 9907
F +61 (02) 9717 3145
M +61 (04) 0249 4148

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