AICS2023 – Electron Crystallography: A deep dive into nanocrystals

Annalisa GuerriPaolo Pio Mazzeo
Group photo.

The annual school of the Italian Crystallographic Association (AICS2023) was held in Pisa, Italy, from 3 to 6 July 2023. The Organizing Committee, all members belonging to the University of Pisa (Marco Taddei, Enrico Mugnaioli, Francesca Nerli, Giulio Bresciani, Gabriele Paoli, Michele Alderighi), selected 34 students from 9 different countries: Austria (1), Denmark (4), India (2), Italy (21), Poland (1), Sweden (1), Slovenia (1), Spain (1) and UK (2).

The program of the school was organized with theoretical lessons and practical sessions so that students could learn the basis of electron diffraction theory and then apply it during the workshops, which involved the use of different software packages (SIR2019, SHELX, PETS, JANA and OLEX2).

During the school a get-together dinner was organized at the beginning of the event to allow people to get to know each other and a social dinner close to the end of the course. All the students were satisfied with the concepts learnt during the school.

Funds from the IUCr provided subsistence support for 6 PhD students and 5 postdocs from Austria (1), Denmark (3), Italy (3), Poland (1), Slovenia (1), Spain (1) and Sweden (1).

20 September 2023

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