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Nominations for Executive Committee of the IUCr 2005-2008

The Executive Committee met in Budapest Hungary, August 24 and 25. At the meeting all nominations for officers and members of the Executive Committee proposed by the National Committees of member countries were considered. The Committee voted in favor of having only one candidate proposed for each office (President, Vice President and General Secretary and Treasurer) and it was agreed that six candidates should be presented for Executive Committee membership for the likely three six-year vacancies and one for the likely three-year vacancy.

The Executive Committee felt it important to rotate the Presidency among the three areas covered by the Regional Associates (ECA, ACA, and AsCA) and that, accordingly, it was appropriate to have a President from Asia - especially as the 2008 Congress will be held in Japan. The Executive Committee felt strongly that it was essential that the General Secretary and Treasurer should be located within easy traveling distance of the Chester Office since the expanding responsibilities of the General Secretary and Treasurer made frequent visits essential.

The high number of excellent nominations received for ordinary members of the Executive Committee was much appreciated by the Executive Committee. Selection of a shortlist was necessarily difficult and there were lively discussions. However, it was clear that not all names could go forward and as it is the responsibility of the Executive Committee to make a selection it was decided that six nominations for the three likely six-year vacancies and one for the likely three-year vacancy would be put forward.

The Executive Committee welcomes the increased participation of the National Committees that the more open procedure followed this time has produced. In fact, about twice as many member countries have made suggestions than has typically been the case in the past. According to By-laws 8.2 and 8.4 you may still make your own nominations in Florence, should you so wish.

Concerning the voting procedure, only two responses were received to the Circular concerning the possibility of adopting a single-transferable-voting procedure and so it is clear that there is no mandate for changing the present simple-majority method.

IUCr Executive Committee Nominations

  • President: Y. Ohashi (Japan)
  • General Secretary and Treasurer: S. Lidin (Sweden)
  • Executive Committee Membership:
  • Six-year terms: P. Coleman (Australia), G.R. Desiraju
  • (India), C. Gilmore (UK), M. Kovalchuk (Russia),
  • C. Lecomte (France), M. Perez-Mato (Spain);
  • Three-year term: I. Torriani (Brazil).

A nominee for Vice President agreed to by the Executive Committee in Budapest did not accept the nomination. The Executive Committee will decide upon a new nominee for Vice President at a later date.