Meeting report
Intercalation compounds. Structure and dynamics
This one day workshop on the varied applications of neutron diffraction was opened with a talk by A. Taylor (ISIS Facility) . Topics and techniques discussed include: graphite silicates and molecular sieves (J. White, Australian Nat'l U.); generating 2-D organic-inorganic hybrids with electrochemical and dye properties (D. Jones, U. of Montpellier); the structure and swelling of clay layers in an aqueous media (N. Skipper, U. College London); the application of X-ray and neutron diffraction to the determination of temperature dependence of the atomic and magnetic structure of magnetic intercalates (J. Evans, U. of Oxford); dynamics of water in charged hosts using quasielastic neutron scattering (J. Dianoux, ILL); dynamics in zeolites (K. Ross, U. of Salford); in situ synchrotron studies of hydrated calcium silicates revelant to cement-rock reactions occurring in concrete-encapsulated toxic and nuclear waste sites (M. Henderson, U. of Manchester); complex molecules encapsulated in zeolite Y and their significance as catalyst centres and enzyme mimics (P. Mitchell, Reading U.); intercalation science on the Osiris spectrometer (C. Carlile, ISIS Fac.); and phase behavior of water in MCM-mesoscopic materials (J. Dore, U. of Kent at Canterbury).
The meeting was organized by W. Kagunya and C. Wilson and supported by the Neutron Scattering Group of the Inst. of Physics and the Faraday Div. of the Royal Soc. of Chemistry.
Winnie Kagunya, ISIS Facilityfrom the BCA Newsletter