Commission on Small-Angle Scattering

SAS at IUCr Congress historical data 


2021:Prague, Czech Republic


IPC: Andrew Allen

The 25rd Congress 14 - 22 August 2021 Prague Congress Centre Prague, Czech Republic



2017:Hyderabad, India 

CSAS CHAIR: Jill Trewhella

IPC: Kristina Djinovic Carugo


Dmitri Svergun : Small-angle x-ray scattering for biological macromolecules


MS037 Macromolecular Structure and Hybrid Methods (Jill Trewhella, Amit Sharma, Chairs)

"Frank Gabel’s gave a highlight talk for combined SAXS-SANS" 

MS-050: Small-Angle Scattering studies of biomacromolecular kinetics (Pau Bernado, Clement Blanchet, Chairs)  

MS-125: Small-Angle Scattering data formats, standards and repositories (Cy Jeffries, Manfred Roessle, Chairs)

MS-091: Expression of macromolecular complexes (Areej Abuhammad, Chair)

MS-055: New challenges in interpretation of structural data (Kurt Krause, George Phillips, Chairs)

MS-106: Functional materials on the nanoscale (Greg Warr, U-Ser Jeng, Chairs)

MS-099: Crystallographic data and structure validation from data collection to publication - IUCr setting standards 

MS-125: Small-Angle Scattering data formats, standards and repositories (Cy Jeffries, Manfred Roessle, Chairs)

" Mitchell Guss gave a very important talk that did attract a lot of good discussion."   

For the 24th IUCr Congress, Hyderabadthe SAS Commission nominated for the IPC Kristina Djinovic Carugo who worked collaboratively to recommend a Keynote speaker (Dmitri Svergun), two CSAS sponsored microsymposia (SAS data formats, standards and repositories, SAS studies of biomacromolecular kinetics), four shared microsymposia with other commissions (Macromolecular structures by hybrid methods (CSAS, CBM, CEM); New challenges in interpretation of structural data (CSAS, CBM, CEM); Expression of macromolecular complexes (CBM, CSAS, CEC); Functional Materials on the Nanoscale (CCM, CAC, CSAS)) and a Joint Workshop (Validation including data from MX, SAS, XAFS, EM (CM, CSAS, CAC)). 

2014:Montreal, Canada 

CSAS Chair: Andrew Allen

IPC: Elliot Gilbert

The 23rd IUCr Congress was held in Montreal, Canada, 5-12 August 2014


Takeji Hashimoto : Applications of Small-Angle Scattering to Macromolecules and Polymer Physics  


Macromolecular and soft-matter aperiodic crystals (crystallography, growth and self-assembly, applications) 

Small-angle scattering of biological macromolecules( Bente Vestegaard  )

Grazing Incidence Surface Techniques (formerly Advances in GISAXS and GISANS)(Peter Mueller-Buschbaum, Alexander Hexemer)

Applications of anomalous small-angle X-ray scattering to soft materials and bimolecular systems(CSR   Lee Makowski, Armin Hoell  )

Meso- and nano-structures developed via heterogeneous interfaces(Dietmar Schwahn, Karen Edler)

Simultaneous methods with SAS (i.e. simultaneous in situ small-angle scattering and other measurements)( Satoshi Koizumi, Wim Bras  )

with CPD - In operando and structure evolution - from atomic to micron(Vanessa Peterson , Christine Papadakis )

Industrial and Technological Applications of Small-Angle Scattering(U-Ser Jeng, Ritva Serimaa )

Small angle scattering for magnetism and magnetic structures(Joachim Kohlbrecher, Andreas Michels)


2011:Madrid, Spain 

CSAS Chair: Jan Skov Pedersen


Iris TorrianiStructural characterization of applied organic materials and soft matter 


§  Industrial Applications of SAXS and SANS (Chairs: Robert Knott, Aldo Craievich )

§  Standardization, Validation, and Automation in Modern Biological Small-Angle Scattering (Chairs: J. Pérez,  Mário de Oliveira Neto)

§  Surfaces & Interfaces (Chairs: Ullrich Pietsch,  M. Varela del Arco)

§  SAXS/SANS, Total Scattering and the Nanostructure Problem (ChairsSimon BillingeMaxim Avdeev)

2008: Osaka, Japan 

CSAS Chair: Dmitri Svergun


Simon Billinge: Nanostructure refinement and solution

Jill Trewhella: Combined methods: Small-angle scattering with NMR and crystallography 

Peter Fratzl: Materials research with scanning microfocus small-angle X-ray scattering 



§  Advances in grazing incidence, reflectivity and diffuse scattering (ChairsAndrew Allen, Monhoor Ree)

§  Time resolved and coherent X-ray scattering (ChairsP. Thiyagarajan, S. Akiyama)

§  Complementarity of SAXS and SANS with other structural methods in molecular biology (ChairsJill Trewhella, T. Fujisawa)

§  Micro-SAXS for nanoscience and medicine (Chairs: Peter Fratzl, J. Doucet) 



2005:Florence, Italy


D. Svergun: Biological Macromolecules

 J. S. Pedersen: organized a one-day satellite workshop on small-angle scattering.


I. Torriani gave lectures: Structure of Macromolecules in Solution using SAXS at the Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Crystallographic Association (La Plata, Argentina); and Dynamical Measurements in Soft Matter Research at the 2005 Users' Meeting of the Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron, Campinas, Brazil.

I. Torriani, A. Allen and P. Thiyagarajan presented tutorial lectures: Small-Angle Scattering: Introduction and Basic Theory; Principles and Application of Ultra-Small-Angle Scattering (USAS); and Contrast Variation Techniques and Instrumentation for Small-Angle Neutron and X-ray Scattering at the Workshop on Introduction to Small-Angle Scattering at the Florence Congress.

J. S. Pedersen presented a lecture entitled Low-Resolution Structure Determination of Proteins in Solution by SAXS at Translation and Transport 2005, a symposium organized by the Centre for Structural Biology, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 24 January 2005.

J. S. Pedersen and D. I. Svergun were speakers at the BIOSAS Conference (Copenhagen Workshop on Bio-Macromolecules in Solution Studied with Small-Angle Scattering, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1–2 December 2005). The titles of their presentations were: Studying Bio-Macromolecules in Solution with Small-Angle Scattering and Computational Methods for Structure Determination from Small-Angle Scattering Data, respectively.

D. I. Svergun presented a lecture and tutorial on Solution Scattering Data Interpretation at the Workshop on Advances in Diffraction Studies on Non-Crystalline Biological Systems, Stanford, CA, USA, October 2005.

J. Trewhella gave several review and tutorial talks at Australian workshops and conferences about the use of small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering for studying biological macromolecular complexes (International Conference on Neutron Scattering, Sydney, November – December 2005, 30th Annual Lorne Conference on Protein Structure and Function, Phillip Island, February 2005, and the Small-Angle Scattering for Structure Determination of Macromolecules, Emerging Science Initiative for Synchrotron Science: Symposium and Workshop, Melbourne, April 2005).

2002: Palexpo Geneva, Switzerland


(1) J. D. Barnes organized a one-day workshop on `Scattering Methods for Nanoscale Structure Characterization'. The workshop was attended by about 30 scientists, most of them new­comers to the field. Lectures were presented by K. Erlacher, A. Allen, J. S. Pedersen and J. D. Barnes.

(2) A microsymposium on `Nanostructural Characterization by Small-Angle Scattering' was organized by J. S. Pedersen and I. L. Torriani. The programme comprised six lectures on topics at the forefront of SAS research in materials science.

(3) A microsymposium on `Soft Matter Studied by Small-Angle Scattering' was organized by T. Zemb and J. S. Pedersen. The programme consisted of lectures on very diverse and active fields of soft matter: aggregates of surfactants, liquid crystals, polyelectrolytepolymers and semicrystalline polymers.

1999: Scotland, UK

CSAS Chair: J. D. Barnes


6.14.2. canSAS II

Commission Chair J. D. Barnes was responsible for coordinating a special workshop preceding SAS 99. This workshop, named canSAS II, was a follow-on to one held in Grenoble, France, in February 1998. Approximately 90 people registered for the workshop. Further information on canSAS events is available at SAS Worldwide ( ).

Those Commission members who were present at the Glasgow Congress met, with G. Kostorz as acting Chair. The main topic proved to be meeting scheduling. There is a strong feeling that the community would be better served if one could achieve some separation in time between the SAS and the IUCr Congresses.

6.14.3. Workshop at EMBL on Shape Determination of Biological Macromolecules in Solution and Related Topics

This Commission-supported workshop took place in Hamburg, Germany, 26–27 November 1999. D. Svergun and M. Koch were the organizers. It was attended by more than 50 participants from Germany, France, Spain, USA, Russia, UK, Finland, Turkey, Japan, Denmark, Italy, Poland, Brazil and Argentina. This workshop is one result of an ongoing effort to make better computational tools available to SAS users. The topics covered recent progress in structure analysis of biopolymers by small-angle scattering and joint use of solution scattering together with crystallography, electron microscopy, hydrodynamics and other methods.




These pages are maintained by the Commission Last updated: 15 Oct 2021