Commission on Small-Angle Scattering
Terms of Reference
Approved by action of the IUCr General Assembly, 14 August 1996
In the following, by "small-angle scattering" (SAS) we mean any experimental technique that seeks to probe the microstructure of materials, including both synthetic and biological materials, on distance scales ranging between 1 and 10,000 nanometers. Examples of such methods currently in use include: small-angle x-ray scattering, small-angle neutron scattering, light scattering, x-ray reflectometry, and neutron reflectometry.
1) To promote and coordinate scientific interchange among groups working in the field of SAS. In particular, to promote the dissemination of the existing methods for SAS structural analysis, and to support the development of new ones.
2) To promote cooperation between investigators employing SAS methods, and to stimulate the development of methods for quantifying the results.
3) To promote knowledge within the broader crystallographic community of SAS methods as tools which can be used to enhance the characterization of materials on distance scales longer than those commonly probed by diffraction methods.
4) To promote and coordinate scientific meetings dealing with SAS.
5) To promote the exchange of adequate samples and/or experimental data sets for SAS studies, so that they can be made available to a larger number of groups.
6) To advise the IUCr on organizing or sponsoring sessions on SAS at Congresses.
7) To cooperate with the Commission on Crystallographic Nomenclature and other interested groups in the development of a standard nomenclature for dealing with SAS methods and results.
8) To cooperate with other Commissions of the IUCr in establishing adequate guidelines and standards for articles to be published in IUCr journals reporting structural investigations from SAS studies.