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Re: COMCIFS IPC member for IUCr 2026

Dear Colleagues,
  At my age (80) I am becoming prone to altitude sickness.  Both Frances and I had trouble in Denver.  That being said,
if participation in the Calgary IUCr 2026 International Program Committee does _not_ imply a willingness to
be physically present in Calgary (remote participation only), I would be willing to help out, and if somebody younger
(e.g. Aaron Brewster) volunteers later, I would be willing to step aside.

On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 7:26 AM Stephen K. Burley, M.D., D.Phil. via comcifs <comcifs@mailman.iucr.org> wrote:
Thank you James.


As a co-chair of the IPC, I could represent the interests of COMCIFS.

But I would much prefer that another member of our team participated in the Committee.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Be safe and be successful Stephen

Stephen K. Burley, M.D., D.Phil.
University Professor and Henry Rutgers Chair
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

V (Morse Code: …*)
Victory Against Fascism

> On Sep 20, 2024, at 3:12 AM, James H via comcifs <comcifs@mailman.iucr.org> wrote:
> COMCIFS have been invited to nominate somebody to take part in the Calgary IUCr 2026 International Program Committee. We should provide our nomination by December the 1st. The nominee does not have to be a COMCIFS member, but we should be confident that they will be aware of COMCIFS issues when negotiating on the ground with the other committee members. Also, as far as I remember, IPC members are not eligible for travel support to attend the IPC or keynote/plenary/invited talks.
> Please send any ideas for nominations, or volunteer yourself, to me by Nov 20th.
> thanks,
> James.
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