IUCr journals news
Diffuse scattering resulting from macromolecular frustration
Acta Cryst. (2011). B67, 516-524 (http://doi.org/g3f)
Diffuse X-ray scattering in the hk1 section of the diffraction pattern from a crystal of the N-terminal fragment of the Gag protein from Feline Foamy Virus.
Strong and very distinctive diffuse scattering has been observed in the diffraction patterns of a crystal of the N-terminal fragment of the Gag protein from Feline Foamy Virus. The paper shows that the effects are caused by geometric frustration as the protein molecules try to pack on the triangular b-c mesh of the space group P6122. Since the disorder has so far prevented structure solution of the protein by conventional techniques the possibility of using the diffuse scattering for solving the structure is discussed
T. R. Welberry, A. P. Heerdegen, D. C. Goldstone and I. A. Taylor