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Acta Cryst. (2004). E60, m1284–m1285 [doi:10.1107/S1600536804019919]

[diiron hydride]The desire to understand the mechanism for the seemingly trivial reduction of H+ to H2 by hydrogenase enzymes has resulted in extensive research activity in the field of metal-hydride chemistry. Applications of such electrocatalytic processes are particularly important in view of current efforts towards a Hydrogen Economy, where iron hydride complexes may serve as cost effective alternatives to platinum catalysts in fuel cells. The title compound is a rare example of a crystallographically characterized di-iron monohydride and displays high symmetry within the planar heterocycle. The cyclopentadienyl/carbonyl groups are in a trans geometry, which is unusual for this class of compounds.

A. Decken, C. D. Craig and F. Bottomley
6 April 2009