ACA 2015 Workshops

Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 25–29, 2015

[ACA logo]

In addition to the full meeting program, the ACA is offering the following pre-meeting all-day workshops being held on Saturday, July 25, 2015. Pre-registration is mandatory and should be indicated on your registration form. The cost for each workshop is separate from the registration fee.

WK.01 Introduction to Modeling High-Pressure Single-Crystal Diffraction Data. The objective of this workshop is to provide a comprehensive introduction into the analysis and interpretation of high-pressure single-crystal diffraction (HP-XRD) data. The workshop will comprise a series of short lectures given by experienced high-pressure crystallographers that will provide an insight into the fundamental theory underpinning accurate HP-XRD data analysis. However, the majority of the workshop will be focused towards providing extensive hands-on HP-XRD data analysis, enabling the participant to obtain experience with the advanced features of EoSFit and the Olex2 software.

WK.02 Serial Crystallography Data Analysis with Cheetah and CrystFEL: Concepts and Tutorials. Serial femtosecond crystallography has yielded several major and unique advances in structural biology previously unattainable with conventional technologies, including the potential for sub-picosecond time-resolved crystallographic studies, probing cyclic or even non-cyclic reactions. With the construction of more than a dozen new XFELs currently under way, and the multiple recent demonstrations of SFX at synchrotrons, the potential user base is growing significantly. The development and appropriate use of new software to tackle the unique problems of SFX data analysis is vital to making SFX practicable.

WK.03 Rietveld Refinement Analysis. This all-day workshop will introduce the use of the Rietveld analysis technique to the attendees. We will first emphasize the powder diffraction technique, as well as the law and rules associated with it, then move on to the Rietvield quantitative technique (solution and refinement of crystallographic data). Attendees will be asked to bring their own laptops with the software already downloaded. The workshop will be primarily targeted for novice users with limited experience in diffraction who want to gain expertise in using the Rietveld analysis technique.

WK.04 Small-Angle Scattering: Structural Biology and Soft Matter. Small-angle X-ray solution scattering continues to experience dramatic growth within both the structural biology and soft matter communities. While there tends to be relatively little interaction between these communities historically, the two share essentially the same basic theoretical foundation as well as a number of tools and techniques. This workshop will bring together leading SAS experts in both areas to prepare students for successful experiments.

For more information on the above workshops and the full program, visit