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[Cranswickl] Lachlan Cranswick, curator of a collection of freely available crystallographic software was among the speakers in a symposium on Diffraction Methods in Undergraduate Studies at the 2001 ACA meeting in Los Angeles. (left to right) V. Young, W. Clegg, T. Proffen, L.Cranswick, A. Hunter, K. Kantardjieff, W. Cordes, J. Glusker, and R. Sparks.
In the Computer Corner of the December 2000 issue of the Newsletter of the IUCr Commission on Powder Diffraction, L. Cranswick presents a list of freely available crystallographic and powder diffraction software, including CRYSFIRE for DOS/Windows Powder Indexing Suite by R. Shirley, CHEKCELL for Windows powder indexing helper tool by J. Laugier and B. Bochu, EXPGUI for Windows and Linux Graphical User Interface to GSAS by B. Toby, New DBWSTOOL – Graphical User Interface for Windows Over DBWs by Bleicher, Sasaki, and Santos, GUFI for DOS Shareware for Powder Diffraction Measurements and Evaluation by R. Dinnebier, New RIETAN2000 Rietveld Refinement Program by F. Izumi, New GRETEP (Grenoble Thermal Ellipsoids Plot Program) for Windows by J. Laugier and B. Bochu, Planton and Addsym: Published Example of Finding Missing Symmetry Using the Addsym Function Within, by T. Speks, Platon, Crystals for Windows Single Crystal Suite for Structure Refinement and User Friendly DLS (Distance Least Squares) by D. Watkins, R. Cooper and co workers, New GPL’d ESPOIR 3.5 for Windows by A. Le Bail with Tutorial on Setting up Within 10 Minutes to Solve an Organic Structure from Powder Diffraction Data.Further information and how to access and download these programs can be found at or If you wish to be added to the CPD Newsletter mailing list or have changed address, contact the Chairman or send an e-mail to
CPD News, No. 24, Dec. 2000