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Newsletter contents online

Dear Bill

Lachlan Cranswick brought to my notice that you have web-ized IUCr Newsletter Vol. 4, No. 3. Would you like me to copy the whole contents of each IUCrnews.html file to my Crystallography World Wide server? The advantage is that this server is mirrored on a daily basis to Bratislava, Slovakia; Canberra, Australia; Geneva, Switzerland; Johannesburg, South Africa; Moscow, Russia; Paris, France; San Diego, California, USA; Tokyo, Japan and a few other sites that we are trying to set up. In this way the Newsletter becomes much more readily available in the four corners of the world.

Howard Flack

Dear Howard

I would be delighted to have you copy the contents of each issue of the IUCr Newsletter to your server and mirror sites. I hope to include photos in future web versions of the Newsletter. I am concerned that the cost of postage could one day limit hard copy circulation of the Newsletter to countries that can afford it or those that the IUCr feels can't access it on the WWW and should be sent copies at IUCr expense.
