IUCr2023 Keynote and MS
The CXAFS organized a keynote lecture and six microsymposia at the IUCr Congress in Melbourne in 2023.
Keynote lecture
Dr Daniel Bowron, from the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, gave a keynote talk titled ‘Exploring Chemical Function in Structurally Disordered Systems through Atomistic Modelling of Diffraction and Spectroscopy Data’. The talk was very well attended, attracting interest from other commissions.
The CXAFS organized two MS, ‘X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy in Life Sciences’ and ‘Applications of Machine Learning to X-ray Spectroscopy and Scattering’. We organized an additional two MS together with the Commission on Synchrotron and XFEL Radiation: ‘New Opportunities in X-ray Spectroscopy at Ultra Low Emittance Synchrotron Sources’ and ‘Dynamical processes and transient structures underlying energy conversion: X-ray spectroscopies from fs to µs’. Two more MS were organized with the Commission on Powder Diffraction (‘Materials for Advanced Energy Technologies’), and with that and the Commission on High Pressure (‘Putting Pressure on Complementary X-ray Spectroscopy and Scattering Methods’).
These pages are maintained by the Commission Last updated: 15 Apr 2024