Commission on XAFS

Previous activities

Workshop, tutorials and events supported by the Commission on XAFS in 2011

IUCr-IXAS Workshop in Tsukuba: NEW DATES, 8 - 9 December 2011

The International Workshop on "Improving the data quality and quantity for XAFS experiments" (Q2XAFS2011), co-organized by IUCr XAFS and SR Commissions, IXAS, KEK and Japanese XAFS Society, will be held at Kobayashi Memorial Hall, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, on December 8th and 9th, 2011.

Q2XAFS2011 will focus on protocols for XAFS measurements and the standardization of XAFS set-ups. Newly developed XAFS beamlines and future prospects will also be discussed.

The official website will provide you with up-to-date information as the workshop approaches. This website will enable you to pre-register, register, get information about final programme, accommodation and access to Photon Factory: 


XAFS Tutorials for crystallographers and beginners: August 22, 2011

The purpose of the Tutorial is to give a general introduction and analytical methods for crystallographers and beginners in the field of XAFS. Lectures will cover the fundamentals of XAFS: data analysis and its principles, theory and simulation of XAFS spectra, with applications to biology, chemistry, physics and materials science. Some tutorials will provide hands-on practice of XAFS.


XAFS-related events at IUCr2011, Madrid, August 22-30, 2011

MICROSYMPOSIA (date, title, number and organizing/supporting commissions)

25-Aug XAFS Studies in Biology Coupled to Crystallography, MS42*, CXAFS

26-Aug Spectroscopic Approaches (XAFS, NMR, …) in crystallography, MS56*, CXAFS, CSC

27-Aug Radiation Damage: Consequences and Uses, MS70*, CXAFS, CSR, CBM

28-Aug XAFS Instrumentation: Automation, Standardization and Validation of XAFS Experiments, MS77*, CXAFS, CSR

29 Aug X-Ray Absorption, Diffraction and Imaging in Forensic Science and Ancient Materials, MS 91, CCACH, CPD, CXAFS 


27-Aug, XAFS Contribution to Protein Structure-Function Investigations, KN 27

WORKSHOP* at the Madrid Congress Palace

22 Aug, from 9:00 to 18:00, XAFS Tutorials for crystallographers and beginners

*Organized by the XAFS Commission in collaboration with IXAS


SSRL Workshop on XAS and RIXS Data Analysis Using CTM4XAS and CTM4RIXS : May 24, 2011

A full day lecture and hands-on analysis session on Charge Transfer Multiplet Calculations for X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (CTM4XAS) will be held at SLAC.


X-ray techniques for materials research - From laboratory sources to free electron lasers : May 9-13, 2011

Symposium is held in Nice, France within the 2011 Spring meeting of the European Materials Research Society. 



These pages are maintained by the Commission Last updated: 15 Oct 2021