2004 Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship

The ICDD Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship Committee has selected six recipients for the 2004 Scholarship Program. These recipients were selected on a competitive basis from fifty-one commendable applications received by the ICDD Scholarship Committee. The recipients are:

  • G. Kwai-Wai Kong (U. of Melbourne/St.Vincent’s Inst. of Medical Research, Australia) with exploration into 'Crystallographic Studies of the Amyloid Precursor Protein (AAP)';
  • C. Lim (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) with research concerning 'Reaction Path and Crystallography of CoSi2 Formation on Si(001) by Reactive Deposition Epitaxy';
  • A. Locock (U. of Notre Dame, USA) with interest in 'Crystal Structure and Synchrotron Radiation Study of Uranyl Oxysalts of Phosphate and Arsenate – Implications for Remediation';
  • R.T. Macaluso (Louisiana State U., USA) with research involving, 'X-ray and Neutron Diffraction Studies for Understanding Geometrically Frustrated Systems';
  • P. Simoncic (U. of Bern, Switzerland) with studies on 'Defect Structure of the Natural and Synthetic Zeolites Mordenite – Structure Characterization of Dye Modified, Synthetic Mordenite';
  • K. Tait (U. of Arizona, USA) whose research is entitled 'Investigations into the Stability, Morphology and the Crystal Structure of the Coexistence of Structure I and Structure II Methane-ethane Clathrate Hydrates – Occurrence and Geological Implications'.

Each student will receive $2,250 to assist in the continuation of studies in their selected fields of crystallographic research. The application deadline for the 2005 Awards is October 31, 2004. The applicant should be enrolled in a graduate degree program during the 2005 calendar year with major interest in crystallography.
The scholarship term is one year. Further information is available at www.icdd.com.

These scholarships are made possible through corporate and private donations. If you would like information on how you can make a donation, contact ICDD at 610-325-9814.