Meeting report
Structure Determination Workshop
Leipzig, Germany, September, 2003
In September 2003 more than 60 German chemical crystallographers (ChemKrist) met in Leipzig to discuss various methods of X-ray structure determination structure analysis. G.M. Sheldrick, opening with a retrospective on the development of direct methods, was followed by lectures by P. Luger (derivation of atomic properties from experimental electron-density studies), H. Borrmann (K1 diffractometry) and M. Ruck (dealing with very high absorption). Also M. Fechtelkord (combination of X-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy), G.M. Sheldrick (structure determination of large molecules), U. Kolb (electron microscopy), U. Schwarz (X-ray diffraction at high pressure), R. Dinnebier (structure determination from powder data), M. Hellenbrandt (ICSD database), N. Sträter (data collection strategies for macromolecules) and K. Friese (modulated structures) made excellent contributions. The organizer J. Sieler had invited two scientists from large-scale facilities: H.A. Graf (application of neutron diffraction) and E. Weckert (experiments with synchrotron radiation). In addition there were presentations by STOE and BRUKER AXS, which had generously supported this meeting. The last day began with an introduction by P.G. Jones into the secrets of a CIF file. Then I. Bruno and G. Battle demonstrated the enormous potential of the Cambridge Structural Database with the help of many instructive examples. Social activities included a visit of the famous Bibliotheca Albertina and a farewell dinner with a splendid view of Leipzig. One must admire Joachim Sieler for his excellent (and certainly time-consuming) preparation and organization of this really successful 'workshop conference', which gave a state-ofthe-art overview on many important subjects.
Christian Näther and Ernst Egert