ECA prize 2003

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The European Crystallographic Assn is to award the third European Crystallography Prize to Carmelo Giacovazzo of the U. of Bari, Italy. Prof. Giacovazzo is being recognized for his major theoretical and practical contributions to the solution of the phase problem in a wide spectrum of applications.

The Prize will be presented during the Opening Ceremony of the upcoming 21st European Crystallographic Meeting to be held in Durban, South Africa, August 24-29, at which Prof. Giacovazzo will describe the work for which he is being honoured.

His main theoretical contributions are the Representation Theory and several probabilistic formulae for the estimate of structure invariants and seminvariants. From the practical point of view, he has directed and coordinated a research group for the implementation of widely used computer programs for the solution of crystal structures not only from single crystal data but also from powder diffraction data. More recently he has developed new and powerful methods for solving ab-initio macromolecular structures using data collected at atomic resolution. He has also provided a new probabilistic approach for the location of the heavy or anomalous scatterers in SIR-MIR-SAD-MAD techniques and for the subsequent phase estimation.

ECA elections

Councillors representative of the Individual Members for 2003-2006:

Giovanni Ferraris, Hans Grimmer, Paola Spadon, Elspeth F. Garman, Carlo Mealli