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2017 Workshop and Clinic schedule

Fundamentals of X-ray Powder Diffraction: 5-9 June

For the novice with some XRD knowledge or for the experienced scientist with an interest in the theory behind XRD, this clinic offers a strong base for increased lab performance. The clinic covers instrumentation, specimen preparation, data acquisition and qualitative phase analysis through live demonstrations.

Advanced Methods in X-ray Powder Diffraction: 12-16 June

For the experienced XRD scientist, this session offers enhanced analysis skills through intense problem solving, as well as an introduction to the Rietveld Method. The course emphasizes computer-based methods of data collection and interpretation, for both qualitative and quantitative phase analysis.

Rietveld Refinement & Indexing Workshops 1 & 2: 25-29 September. Basic Workshop (1): 25-27 September, Advanced Workshop (2): 27-29 September

Powder pattern indexing and Rietveld structural refinement techniques are complementary and are often used to completely describe the structure of a material. Successful indexing of a powder pattern is considered strong evidence for phase purity. Indexing is considered a prelude to determining the crystal structure, and permits phase identification by lattice matching techniques. This workshop introduces the theory and formalisms of various indexing methods and structural refinement techniques, along with quantitative analysis. One unique aspect of this workshop is the extensive use of computer laboratory problem solving and exercises that teach method development in a hands-on environment.

Visit www.icdd.com/education for more information and prerequisites for the advanced Rietveld course.