Just published

International Tables Volume F: Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules, edited by Michael G. Rossmann and Eddy Arnold, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-6857-6, 832 pp, 2001, $275 for institutions, $137.50 for individuals. (www.iucr.org/iucr-top/it/itf/itf.html)

Crystallography of biological macromolecules was commissioned by the IUCr in recognition of the extraordinary contributions that knowledge of macromolecular structure has made, and will make, to the analysis of biological systems, from enzyme catalysis to the workings of a whole cell, and to the growing field of structural genomics. The volume covers all stages of a crystallographic analysis from the preparation of samples using the techniques of molecular biology, through crystallization, diffraction data collection, phase determination, structure validation and structure analysis.

Although the book is written for experienced scientists, it is recognized that the modern structural biologist is more likely to be a biologist interested in structure than a classical crystallographer interested in biology. Thus there are chapters on the fundamentals, history and current perspectives of macromolecular crystallography, as well as the availability of useful programs and databases including the Protein Data Bank. Each chapter is written by an internationally recognized expert.

Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Basic Crystallography 3. Techniques of Molecular Biology 4. Crystallization 5. Crystal Properties and Handling 6. Radiation Sources and Optics 7. X-ray Detectors 8. Synchrotron Crystallography 9. Monochromatic Data Collection 10. Cryocrystallography 11. Data Processing 12. Isomorphous Replacement 13. Molecular Replacement 14. Anomalous Dispersion 15. Density Modification and Phase Combination 16. Direct Methods 17. Model Building and Computer Graphics 18. Refinement 19. Further Experimental Information 20. Energy Calculations and Molecular Dynamics 21. Structure Validation 22. Molecular Geometry and Features 23. Structural Analysis and Classification 24. Crystallographic Databases 25. Macromolecular Crystallography Programs 26. A Historical Perspective.

Handbook of Hydrothermal Technology: Technology for Crystal Growth and Materials Processing, K. Byrappa and M. Yoshimura, William Andrew Publishing, ISBN 0-8155-1445-X, 875 Pages, 2001, $175.

A single source for understanding how aqueous solvents or mineralizers work under temperature and pressure to dissolve and recrystallize normally insoluble materials, and decompose or recycle waste material.

Quartz, zeolites, gemstones, perovskite type oxides, ferrites, carbon allotropes, complex coordinated compounds and many other products are now produced using hydrothermal technology. This handbook gives a detailed description of all the major hydrothermal methods.

The full table of contents and ordering information is available at www.williamandrew.com/jw0501.html.