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The Gregori Aminoff prize

Wayne Hendrickson receives the Gregori Aminoff Prize from H. M. King Carl XVI Gustaf for his contributions to phase determination of macromolecular crystal structures.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the Gregori Aminoff Prize in Crystallography for 1997 to Wayne Hendrickson (Columbia U., New York) 'for his contributions to phase determination of macromolecular crystal structure using anomalous dispersion and measurements at multiple wavelengths'. The prize was presented by H. M. King Carl XVI Gustaf. A symposium with the title MAD and Other Methods In Macromolecular Structure Determination was organized at the Academy in Stockholm Apr. 9-10 1997. Speakers included W. Hendrickson: From Anomalous Scattering to Macromolecular Structure, G. Bricogne (MRC-LMB, Cambridge, UK): Global Phasing: Unifying Experimental and Mathematical Sources of Phasing Power, A. Brunger (Yale U., New Haven, CT): Conformational Variability and Solvation of Macromolecular Crystal Structures, V. Ramakrishnan (U. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT): The Use of MIR Methods to Phase MAD Data, J. Smith (Purdue U., West Lafayette, IN): MAD About Proteins.

Ivar Olovsson
Chair, Swedish National Committee of Crystallography