Zeolite 5A showing gas sorption simulation results (center, courtesy of Molecular Simulation Inc., Burlington, MA) and clockwise from upper left, a crystal of a fragment of 5S rRNA (Courtesy of Christian Betzel, EMBL, Hamburg), DNA repair enzyme endonuclease III and its DNA binding surface (courtesy of John Tainer, Scripps Research Inst.), a complex of the SH2 domain of the v-src oncogene product and a phosphotyrosyl peptide (courtesy of John Kuriyan, Howard Hughes Medical Inst., Rockefeller University) and a Laue pattern of the enzyme thymidine phosphorylase produced at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (courtesy of S. Ealick).
Old series (1993-2017)
Editors: William L. Duax, Judith Flippen-Anderson

Contents of issue

Letter to the Editor

Ab initio Structures from Powder Data
C. Giacovazzo

Letter to the Editor

Cuban crystallographers
A. G. GomasH. Novoa de Armas

Letter to the Editor

Thanks from Russia
I. N. TsygannikYu. D. Forarev, I. Yu. Mikhailova, Yu. V. KulikovV. N. Khrichenko

Letter to the Editor

Alan Mackay

Letter to the Editor

Freedom of movement
Elizabeth A. Wood


William L. Duax


Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
M. Vijayan

Feature article

The Gregori Aminoff Prize
Ivar Olovsson

Feature article

Center for Biocrystallographic Research
Mariusz Jaskólski

Feature article

Stress Analysis by Powder Diffraction
N. GanevI. Kraus

IUCr activities

From the Chester Office
Michael Dacombe

Commission news

Computing Commission School
D. Watkin

Commission news

Commission on Journals

Commission news

Commission on Powder Diffraction
R. J. Hill

Feature article

The First Poster Session
Reuben Rudman

Meeting report

Jubilee of E. I. Gladyshevskii
B. Ya. Kotur

Meeting report

Bioactive Peptides: Naples
Ettore Benedetti




Y. T. Thathachari (1929-1993)
R. Parthasarathy


Ben Post (1911-1994)
Lawrentz KatzHugo Steinfink


Hello world
H. Flack