The XVII Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography

The Seattle Skyline including the Space Needle with Mt Rainer in the distance.

The XVII Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography will be held in Seattle, Washington, USA, August 8-17, 1996. The Congress has the endorsement of the US National Academy of Sciences, the National Research Council and is sponsored, in part, by the American Crystallographic Association. The organizing committee is composed of R. Bryan (Chair), W. Duax, D. Duchamp, D. Eggleston, J. Flippen-Anderson, S. N. Rao, and R. Stenkamp.

The Congress will be held at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in downtown Seattle. The Center is within walking distance of the city's major hotels and is adjacent to the five-acre Freeway Park. The nearby Seattle Sheraton Hotel and Towers has been selected as the headquarters hotel for the Congress, and space has also been reserved for Congress participants at other city hotels offering a range of accommodations.

Seattle sits on a peninsula between Puget Sound, a saltwater arm of the Pacific Ocean, and the freshwater Lake Washington. It is flanked by the Cascade Mountain Range to the east and by the Olympic Mountains to the west. On clear days the 14,110 ft (4,728 m) Mount Rainier is spectacularly visible!

The major topics of the meeting will be similar to those of the Beijing meeting and will reflect the growth and development of the field and the areas of most intense activity. There will be plenary lectures, microsymposia, workshops, and poster discussion sessions. Possible innovations under consideration include poster preview sessions and lunch time lectures. The Program Committee has been expanded to insure participation by representatives of all IUCr Commissions. Because the Commissions of the Union have international representation and expertise in almost all areas of crystallography, participation by the members in planning the program should assure full and balanced coverage of all areas.

The 20 members of the Program Committee include representatives from 13 commissions and 14 countries. The list of proposed categories and topics for the 1996 Congress appear in Table 1. Suggestions for additions to or revisions of the list are invited.

The IUCr Commissions that are represented on the Program Committee, the names of the Commission Chairs, and the names of the Program Committee members representing that Commission are listed in Table 2. Suggestions for plenary lecture topics and speakers and contributions to microsymposia are welcome. All crystallographers are invited to send suggestions to appropriate program committee members, Commission chairs, or directly to the Program Chair. The names, postal, and e-mail addresses of the committee members and commission chairs are listed in Tables 3 and 4, respectively.

Ewald Medal and Award

The third Ewald Award will be presented during the opening ceremony, and the awardee(s) will present a plenary lecture at the Congress. A call for nominations will appear in a future issue of the IUCr Newsletter. Previous Ewald Medal winners were John Cowley (1987), Boris Vainstein (1990), and Norio Kato (1993).

Support for Young Scientists

Students or scientists at early stages in their careers are eligible to apply for support toward the costs of their registration and hotel accommodation. Funds for this support will be provided by the International Union of Crystallography and some corporate sponsors. Grants will be allocated on a competitive basis. Additional details concerning application procedures will appear in future issues of the IUCr Newsletter.


The IUCr Congress has the sponsorship of the American Crystallographic Association. In addition, the following corporations have already made contributions or pledged support to the 1996 IUCr Congress and General Assembly: EnrafNonius, Molecular Structure Corporation, Rigaku International Corporation, Siemens Analytical X-ray Instruments, Inc., The Upjohn Corporation, and Merck Research Laboratories, Glaxo Research Inst., Smith-Kline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Hampton Research.

Passports and Visas

The IUCr is a member of the International Council of Scientific Unions and is committed to the principle of Free Circulation of Scientists. The US National Academy of Science/National Research Council has agreed to assist the Congress organizers in assuring free circulation. Those planning to attend the Congress from countries requiring visas for entry to the USA are urged to apply for their visas as soon as possible in order that the organizing committee can provide assistance as needed to assure unencumbered attendance at the Congress by bona fide scientists.


Washington State Convention and Trade Center.

The commercial exhibition will include the latest equipment for single crystal and powder data collection, computer software and hardware for data reduction, structure determination and refinement, and computer graphic modeling. Due to the explosive growth of the field of macromolecular crystallography, the exhibitors will include manufacturers and distributors of chemicals, supplies, and equipment for protein purification, peptide and protein synthesis and sequence analysis, and single crystal growth. Other exhibitors will include developers of databases and software for their use, publishers of crystallographic texts, journals, and review volumes, manufacturers of model building kits and supplies, crystallographic teaching aids, representatives of government and private funding agencies, and national resources for data collection and analysis.

Seventeen mini maps of the USA illustrates the density of the crystallographic population as it will be from August 8 to 17, 1996. The logo, designed by Ellie Adman and executed by Gloria Del Bel and Melda Tugac at the graphic design department of the Medical Foundation of Buffalo, combines translational and rotational symmetry with symbols of the US, the IUCr, and the XVII Congress.

The exhibition will be managed by a division of the American Institute of Physics. An announcement of the show and an invitation to participate will be sent to potential exhibitors. An exhibitors guide will be distributed to Congress participants. Manufacturers and distributors of equipment, materials, and supplies of interest to crystallographers may wish to contact the secretariat in Buffalo or the AIP directly to request further information and receive future mailings. The deadlines for abstract submission, meeting registration, and housing will be in early 1996. Exact dates for these deadlines will appear in future issues of the IUCr Newsletter.

For information concerning any aspect of the meeting, contact: Marcia Vair, Meeting Secretariat, ACA, P.O. Box 96, Ellicott Station, Buffalo, NY 14205-0096, USA. FAX: 716-852-4846, e-mail:

Satellite Meetings of the XVII Congress and General Assembly

Because the Congress program is to have thorough coverage of all commission topics, satellite programs will complement the Congress program, not duplicate or compete with it. Details available at press time concerning satellite meetings in the areas of Powder Diffraction, Synchrotron Radiation, and Computing are included here. Additional satellite meetings are being discussed by members of the Commissions on Neutron Scattering, Electron Diffraction, Small Molecules, Macromolecules, and High Pressure Crystallography. Further information will appear in future newsletters.

A. Powder Diffraction

The 45th Annual Denver X-ray Conference and IUCr Satellite Meeting on Powder Diffraction will take place August 3-8, 1996 in Denver, Colorado. The meeting and program will be organized by the Denver X-ray Conference Advisory Committee headed by Paul K. Predecki and John V. Gilfrich. Deane K. Smith and David E. Cox, members of the IUCr Commission on Powder Diffraction, will represent the Commission on the planning committee. Details of the technical program, including topics and chairs for special sessions, will be decided after the 1995 Denver X-ray Conference. Representatives of the Commission on Powder Diffraction are encouraged to participate in that meeting and planning sessions. The call for papers will be mailed in December of 1995, with a probable abstract deadline of April 1, 1996. The technical program will be assembled by Gilfrich, R. Jenkins, Cox, Smith, and Predecki. Other members of the Denver X-ray Conference Advisory Committee include C. S. Barrett, R. Barton, V. E. Buhrke, T. C. Huang, and R. L. Snyder. Suggestions concerning the program can be addressed to the principal organizers:

Paul K. Predecki
Dept. of Engineering
University of Denver
Denver, CO 80208, USA
FAX: 303-871-4450
Dave E. Cox
Physics Dept. Bldg. 510B
Brookhaven National Lab
Upton, NY 11973, USA
FAX: 516-282-2739
John V. Gilfrich
SFA Inc./NRL Code 6680
4555 Overlook Ave. SW
Washington, DC 20375-5000, USA
FAX: 202-767-4868
Ron Jenkins
Int'l Center for Diffraction Data
Newtown Square Corporate Campus
12 Campus Blvd.
Newtown Square,PA 190734-3273, USA
Conference Secretary
Deane K. Smith
Dept. of Geosciences
Penn State U.
239 Deike Bldg.
University Park, PA 16802, USA
FAX: 814-863-7845
Lynne Bonno
Dept. of Engineering
U. of Denver
Denver, CO 80208, USA
FAX: 303-871-4450

B. Synchrotron Radiation

The Synchrotron Radiation Satellite meeting, August 4-7, 1996, Argonne National Laboratory, will cover a broad range of instrumentation and research applications related to the use of synchrotron radiation in crystallography. Particular attention will focus on early results and the potential for new experiments created by the third generation synchrotron radiation sources which will be operational at the time of the meeting. Leading scientists in areas of detector development, high-pressure research, time-resolved crystallography, macromolecular crystallography, and materials science will be encouraged to give invited talks highlighting developments in their fields. The program will consist of oral presentations as well as poster sessions.

Susan Barr, Local contact
Advanced Photon Source
Argonne National Lab.
9700 S. Cass Ave.
Argonne, IL 604439, USA
FAX: 708 252 9250
Åke Kvick, Program Chair
ESRF, BP-220
380 Grenoble Cedex, France
FAX: 33-76882542

C. Computing School

The 1996 IUCr Summer Computing School at Evergreen State College Olympia, Washington, August 18-22, organized by the IUCr Commission on Computing, will focus on the latest computational techniques with emphasis on macromolecular crystallography. The format will include invited and contributed lectures and tutorial sessions. Contributions will be solicited electronically and selected for presentation on the basis of originality and perceived interest. Selected presenters will be required to submit a full paper in electronic format for inclusion in the meeting materials and published proceedings.

Tutors will be expected to lead participants through real examples. Participants should come away with enough knowledge to use the techniques effectively. Tutorial materials will be carefully reviewed beforehand. All tutorial materials should be in electronic form and will be available via the Internet to anyone interested after the meeting. Authors/presenters will be expected to demonstrate software.

The workshop is being organized by two members of the IUCr Commission on Computing:

Philip Bourne
Howard Hughes Med. Inst./Biochem.
Columbia U.
630 W 168th St.
New York NY 10032, USA
212-305-3657, FAX: 212-305-7379
Keith Watenpaugh
The Upjohn Company
301 Henrietta
Kalamawo, MI 49001, USA
FAX: 616-385-7522

Table 1. IUCr Congress Program Categories and Topics

01 - Instrumentation and Experimental Techniques
a. Conventional and Synchrotron Sources of X-rays
b. Electrons, Neutrons
02 - Methods for Structure Determination and Analysis, Computing and Graphics
03 - Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules
a. Enzymes
b. Metalloproteins
c. Proteins of the Immune System
d. Muscle Proteins
e. Receptor and Signal Transducing Proteins
f. Nucleic Acids
g. Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions
h. Protein-Saccharide Interactions
i. Viruses and Viral Proteins
j. Macromolecular Assemblies
k. Proteins of Medical Interest
1. Other Proteins
04 - Crystallography of Biological Small Molecules
05 - Molecular Modeling and Design for Proteins and Drugs
06 - Organic Compounds
07 - Organometallic and Coordination Compounds
08 - Inorganic and Mineralogical Crystallography
09 - Engineering and Computer Simulation of Inorganic Crystal Structures
10 - Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials in Relation to Structure
11 - Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films
12 - Amorphous, Imperfectly Ordered, and Quasiperiodic Materials
13 - Defects, Microstructures and Textures
14 - Diffraction Physics and Optics
15 - Crystal Growth
16 - Molecular Structure Determination by Methods Other than Diffraction
17 - Symmetry and its Generalizations
18 - Data Bases and Communication
19 - Crystallographic Teaching and History
20 - Industrial Crystallography
a. Biotechnology
b. Material Sciences
21 - Crystallography at Nonambient Temperatures and/or Pressures; Phase Transitions
22 - Other Topics

Table 2. Commissions of the IUCr, Current Chairs, and Program Committee Members

Commission Chair Program Committee Member
Aperiodic Crystals G. C. Chapuis (Switzerland) G. C. Chapuis (Switzerland)
Biological Macromolecules M. Vijayan (India) L. N. Johnson (UK) and I. Wilson (USA)
Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities D. Feil (The Netherlands) K. Hermansson (Sweden)
Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials H. Klapper (Germany) H. Klapper (Germany)
Crystallographic Apparatus H. Hashizume (Japan) H. Hashizume (Japan)
Crystallographic Computing D. L. M. Viterbo (Italy) G. Kruger (South Africa) and P. Bourne (USA)
Crystallographic Data J. D. Rogers (Canada) J. D. Rogers (Canada)
Crystallographic Teaching C. M. Gramaccioli (Italy) L. A. Aslanov (Russia)
Electron Diffraction J. W. Steeds (UK) J. W. Steeds (UK) and D. Dorset (USA)
Neutron Scattering J. W. White (Australia) A. Albinati (Italy)
Powder Diffraction R. J. Hill (Australia) R. J. Hill (Australia)
Small Molecules F. H. Herbstein (Israel) J. Liplowski (Poland), J. Flippen-Anderson (USA)
Synchrotron Radiation Å. H. Kvick (France) Å. H. Kvick (France)
X. Xu of China, Chair of the Program Committee for Beijing and Judith Howard, Program Chair for the 1999 Congress in Glasgow, Scotland,are also members of the 1996 Committee.

Table 3. Program Committee Members

Alberto Albinati
19 Via Amedeo D'Aosta
20129 Milan,Italy
FAX: 39-2-29514197
Neutron Scattering
L. A. Aslanov
Dept. of Chemistry
Moscow State U.
Moscow 119899, Russia
FAX: 70-95-9328846
Crystallographic Teaching
Philip Bourne
Howard Hughes Med. Inst./Biochem.
Columbia U.
630 W 168th St.
New York NY 10032, USA
FAX: 212-305-7379
Crystallographic Computing
G. C. Chapuis
Institut De Cristallographie
Universite De Lausanne
BSP - Dorigny
CH-I015, Lausanne, Switzerland
FAX: 41-21-692-3605
Aperiodic Crystals
Douglas L Dorset
Dept. of Electron Diffraction
Medical Foundation of Buffalo
73 High St., Buffalo, NY 14203-1196, USA
FAX: 7l6~852-4846
Electron Diffraction
William L. Duax
Medical Foundation of Buffalo
73 High St., Buffalo, NY
14203, USA
FAX: 716-852-4846
Program Chair
Judith L. Flippen-Anderson
Laboratory for the Structure of Matter
Code 6030
Navel Research Laboratory
Washington, DC 20375, USA
FAX: 202-767-6874
Small Molecules
H. Hashizume
Research Lab. of Engineering Materials
Tokyo Institute of Technology
4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku
Yokohama 227, Japan
FAX: 81-45-922-5169
Crystallographic Apparatus
Kersti Hermansson
Chem. Dept., Uppsala U.
Box 531, S-75121 Uppsala
FAX: 46-18-50-8542
Charge, Spin & Momentum Densities
R. J. Hill
CSIRO Mineral Products
PO Box 124
Port Melbourne, Victoria 3207
FAX: 61-3-646-3223
Powder Diffraction
Judith A. K. Howard
U. of Durham
Dept. of Chemistry, South Rd.
Durham DH1 3LE, UK
FAX: 091-374-3745
Small Molecules
L. N. Johnson
U. of Oxford
Rex Richards Bldg., South Parks Rd.
Oxford, UK
FAX: 0865-510454
Biological Macromolecules
H. Klapper
Mineralogisch-Petrologisches Institut, Universität Bonn
Poppelsdorfer Schloss
D-53115 Bonn, Germany
FAX: 49-228-732770
Crystal Growth & Characterization of Materials
G. J. Kruger
Dept. of Chem. & Biochem.
U. of Natal
PO Box 375
Pietermaritzburg 3200
South Africa
FAX: 27-11-489 2360
Crystallographic Computing
Å. H. Kvick
ESRF, BP 220
F-38043 Grenoble Cedex
FAX: 33-76882542
Synchrotron Radiation
Janusz Lipkowski
Inst. of Physical Chern,
Polish Academy of Sciences
Kasprzaka 44
Warszawa 01 224, Poland
FAX: 48-39-12-02-38
Small Molecules
J. R. Rodgers
National Research Council of Canada
Montreal Rd., Ottawa
ONT K1A 0S2, Canada
FAX: 613-952-8246
Crystallographic Data
J. W. Steeds
Dept. of Physics, H. H. Wills Lab
University of Bristol
Tyndall Ave.
Bristol BS8 1TL, UK
Electron Diffraction
Ian Wilson
Dept. of Molecular Biology
Research Inst. of Scripps Clinic
10666 N Torrey Pines Rd.
La Jolla CA 92037, USA
FAX: 619-554-6105
Biological Macromolecules
Xiaojie Xu
Dept. of Chemistry
Peking U.
Beijing 100871, China
FAX: 8-6-1~2564095

Table 4. Other Commissions Chairs

S. C. Abrahams
Physics Dept.
Southern Oregon State College
Ashland, OR 97520, USA
FAX: 503-552-6415
Crystallographic Nomenclature
D. Feil
Chemical Physics Laboratory
U. of Twente
PO Box 217
NL-7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
FAX: 053-356024
e-mail: feil@henut5.earn
Charge, Spin & Momentum Densities
C. M. Gramaccioli
Dipartimento Di Scienze Della Terra
Universita Di Milano
Via Botticelli 23
I-20133 Milano, Italy
FAX: 02-2364393
e-mail: xlamin@imisiam
Crystallographic Teaching
F. H. Herbstein
Dept. of Chemistry
Technion-Israel Inst. of Tech.
Technion City
Haifa 32000, Israel
FAX: 972-4-233735
e-mail: chr03fh@technion
Small Molecules
M. Vijayan
Molecular Biophysics Unit
Indian Inst. of Science
Bangalore 560 012, India
91-80-344411, ext 2459
FAX: 91-80-341683
Biological Macromolecules
D. L. M. Viterbo
Dipartimento di Chimica In. Fis. Mat.
U. of Torino
Via P. Giuria 7
I-10125 Torino, Italy
Crystallographic Computing
J. W. White
Research School of Chemistry
The Australian National U.
Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia
Neutron Scattering