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Drawing of a heptagonal tropezoid CRYSCOMP-CRYSDRAW

CRYSCOMP-CRYSDRAW: Universal PC-software for geometric crystallography were described in a poster at the European Crystallographic meeting in Dresden (M. and J. Bohm). The program CRYSCOMP yields

  • reciprocal lattice parameters and unit cell volumes
  • interconversion of hexagonal and rhombohedral lattice parameters
  • spacing of lattice planes
  • transformation of crystal axis, indices, direct and reciprocal lattice parameters, atomic coordinates, and back transformations
  • cartesian coordinates of crystals
  • coordinates of poles and/or vectors
  • angles between poles and/or vectors
  • projections (stereographic, gnomonic, SCHMIDT, LAUE)
  • graphic representations
  • bounding lengths
  • bounding angles
  • e1ectron density
  • X-ray absorption coefficients.

The program CRYSDRAW permits computation and graphic visualization of polyhedra exhibiting any combinations of faces and forms. The polyhedra with any symmetry may be crystals, quasicrystals or "others". WIGNER-SEITZ cells as well as BRILLOUIN-zones may be displayed. The polyhedra volumes, surface areas, lengths of edges, and face angles are calculated automatically and stored in text files. Graphics may be stored as HPGL-file. The program is written in Turbo-Pascal, executable on PC (DOS). To obtain the program, contact J. Bohm.

Joachim Bohm
Inst. Mineralogy TU Bergakademie