IYCr 2014
IYCr Down Under
From SCANZ Newsletter, No. 63, Feb 2014
SCANZ has allocated $20,000 to support various activities to celebrate the International Year of Crystallography (IYCr):
Crystal growing competition: SCANZ, the Australian Academy of Science and the Royal Australian Chemical Inst. are supporting a National Crystal Growing Competition. States and territories that run individual competitions will send their winning entries for selection of national winners (jennyjonesdr@gmail.com).
Remote data collection: At the Australian Synchrotron (U. of Queensland) researchers will demonstrate remote data collection (coordinated by Brett Collins).
Citizen Science Crystal Drop Evaluation: Janet Newman is leading a citizen science project for ABC Science's 'National Science Week' to evaluate the results of crystallization trials to develop a robust computer algorithm that could identify subsets of trials that are interesting enough to require human examination. Participants will match dozens of images to a set of 10 standards. These data will be a training set for a machine-learning program to classify images into sets (www.scienceweek.net.au/abc-sciences-national-science-week-citizen-science-project-2014).
Crystallography365: Crystallography365, led by Helen Maynard, is an attempt to blog a crystal structure each day in 2014: http://crystallography365.wordpress.com. The goal is to draw attention to crystal structures useful to society. Anyone interested in writing entries for crystallography365 contact helen.maynard-casely@ansto.gov.au.
'Crystals in the City' is being planned by Neeraj Sharma for August 9-30, 2014 (National Science Week in Australia). A dozen 6 ft tall structural models will be exhibited in cities in Australia. The structures will 'reflect' their surroundings and inform the public of crystallographic achievements, with hands-on activities and an opening event organized by Chris Ling at the Verge Gallery (U. of Sydney).