Reuse of books and journals

Dear Bill

Bill Streib and I are planning to retire in the next few years. We have Acta Cryst, the first 17 volumes bound, then the remaining volumes through 36 not bound. We also have duplicates of several of the basic x-ray crystallography text books, such as Buergers books. We were wondering if you have any suggestions for the use of these books. We hate to see them go to the recycling place. We would be grateful for any suggestions you might have. Thank you.

Kirsten Folting Streib

Dear Kirsten

Thank you for offering your volumes of Acta Cryst. It should be possible to find them a home where crystallographers need them. There may be places in South America, Africa and the Pacific Islands that could make good use of them. The ACA covered shipping costs to send Ben Post's set to Cuba. We will announce availability in the ACA and IUCr Newsletters and websites. Other crystallographic books would probably also be appreciated. Please don't send crystallographic related books for recycling until we try to locate potential recipients.
