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Polish Crystallographic Association

[PTK logo]The Polish Crystallographic Assn (PCrA) was officially founded in May 2006. The Association office is located at the Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian U. The main mission of the Association is to support development of scientific research in the field of crystallography and the popularization of crystallography and crystallographic methods. The mission is achieved by:

•Organizing seminars, lectures, workshops, etc. to promote crystallography and the use of crystallographic methods by other scientists.
•Organizing courses and summer schools for young scientists and students.
•Collecting and disseminating information about international crystallographic schools and conferences.
•Organizing financial support for young scientists to help them participate in international crystallographic courses, schools and conferences.
•Maintaining contacts with the IUCr, the European Crystallographic Assn and crystallographic associations of other countries.
•Inviting scientists from other countries to visit Polish crystallographic centers, lecture at national and international conferences organized in Poland.
•Promoting research and rewarding achievements in the field of crystallography,
•Other forms of public work.

The first General Assembly of the PCrA was held on June 29, 2006 in Wrocław, at the Inst. of Low Temperature and Structure Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Stanisław Hodorowicz (Jagiellonian U., Cracow) was elected the first President. Other members of the Management Committee are: Katarzyna Stadnicka – Secretary (Cracow), Barbara Oleksyn – Treasurer (Cracow), Grzegorz Bujacz (Łódź), Maria Gdaniec (Poznań), Marek Główka (Łódź), Antoni Konitz (Gdańsk), Anna Kozioł (Lublin), Zofia Lipkowska (Warszawa), Wojciech Paszkowicz (Warszawa) and Adam Pietraszko (Wrocław).

The PCrA acknowledges three types of membership: ordinary membership (individuals), supporting membership (individuals and corporate bodies), and honorary membership (individuals – outstanding scientists nominated by the Management Committee and accepted by the General Assembly).

Current membership counts 124 ordinary members (including 26 founding members). The Secretary of the PCrA may be contacted at