International X-ray Analysis Society (IXAS)

A new type of scientific society focused on the use of X-rays, neutrons, and electrons in materials characterization has been established. This fully electronic non-profit society will have free, open membership to the world's community of X-ray analysts requiring only that they have access to the World Wide Web. The purpose of the Society is to serve professionals working in the field of materials analysis by: (a) fostering interaction among materials scientists, chemists, physicists, geologists, and others engaged in the use of Xrays and other radiations, including neutrons and electrons, for materials analysis; (b) sponsoring meetings of interest to those in the field of materials analysis; and (c) disseminating information of interest to the materials analysis community.

The Society will provide e-discussion groups, a job clearinghouse, future meetings bulletin, analysis problems bulletin board, newsletter e-mailed, X-ray analysis meetings proceedings and abstracts on web, free fully electronic journal JXA on the web, data committee: XRF fundamental parameters on the web. An international steering committee met at the seventh European Powder Diffraction Conference in Barcelona on May 20, 2000 and completed the formal estalishment of IXAS. R.L. Snyder will serve as the first president.

The founding sponsor of IXAS is the ICDD, which provided the funds to the Denver Conference Organizing Committee to establish the International Steering Committee. Eric Mittemeijer as a representative to the IXAS council and the IUCr's Commission on Powder Diffraction has also agreed to name a representative to council. The first version of the IXAS website is available at

20 November 2008