IUCr journals news
Open-access transformative agreements: is your institution included?
In 2019, the IUCr's publication partner, Wiley, signed a transformative agreement with Projekt DEAL, a representative of nearly 700 academic institutions in Germany. This meant that researchers at these institutions are able to publish research or review articles open access in the following IUCr Journals:
Acta Crystallographica Sections A–D and F
Journal of Applied Crystallography
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
with no direct charge. Similar deals with Austria, Finland, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden followed, and we are now pleased to announce that a new agreement with Jisc means that UK-based researchers at participating institutions will also be able to publish open access in the above IUCr journals at no direct cost. The agreement aims to support and accelerate open-access publishing in the UK and is the most extensive UK-based transitional agreement, covering 138 Jisc member institutions. Researchers based at participating UK institutions can now also browse and read all Wiley and IUCr journals. Liam Earney, Executive director for digital resources at Jisc, says: “This new agreement is a step-change in the transition to open access to UK research. This agreement offers all universities within the consortium, regardless of how much or little they publish, an opportunity to rapidly transition toward full and immediate open access in a financially sustainable way.”
If, after submission, your article is accepted for publication, the IUCr will pass on details of your article to Wiley so that open access can be arranged. Open-access articles in IUCr Journals are generally more highly cited and downloaded than non-open-access articles; for more information on open access and to check that you qualify for this arrangement, see here.
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