2002 Patterson Award

[ACA logo]The next presentation of the A.L. Patterson Award will be made at the San Antonio, TX, meeting of the American Crystallographic Association in May, 2002. The A.L. Patterson Award, established in 1980, is to recognize and encourage outstanding research in the structure of matter by diffraction methods. This may include one or more of the following: (i) significant contributions to the methodology of structure determination, (ii) innovative application of diffraction methods, (iii) elucidation of biological, chemical, geological or physical phenomena using new structural information. There are no restrictions as to nationality, race, sex, religion, or ACA membership. The award is given in memory of Arthur Lindo Patterson, Senior Member, Inst. for Cancer Research, Philadelphia, whose most important contribution to crystallography was the function named after him. Previous recipients were: Wayne A. Hendrickson, 1981; Jerome Karle and Herbert Hauptman, 1984; David and Lieselotte Templeton, 1987; Michael Woolfson, 1990; George Sheldrick, 1993; Christer E. Nordman, 1997; and Gérard Bricogne, 1999. Nominations are invited from throughout the crystallographic community. The major contributions of the nominee should be identified, with supporting documentation. The closing date for nominations is March 31, 2001; earlier nominations would be welcomed. The members of the 2002 Patterson Award Committee are: Philip Coppens, Dave Duchamp, Jane Griffin, and Andy Howard. Nominations and supporting documents should be sent, in writing, to the ACA office, 73 High Street, Buffalo, NY 14203-0906, USA.