Web wise

Chemistry site

The tables of neutron scattering cross sections previously published in Neutron News can be found at http://ne43.ne.uiuc.edu/n-scatter/n-lengths/; http://ChemWeb.com is trying to become the site with everything a chemist could ever want, try it while it's free.

X-ray tracing Utility

P. Thiessen, a Ph.D. student at the U. of Illinois has written a useful X-ray-tracing utility for pdf files called PovChem. The page at http://ludwig.scs.uiuc.edu/~paul/ has several illustrations of both DNA and proteins created with the program. Through PovChem is not yet available online, Paul is soliciting input in hopes of finishing the program soon. Check out the images and help him out.

ACA home page

The ACA WWW page (www.hwi.buffalo.edu/ACA/) has been reorganized by the ACA office. Comments are welcome to marcia@hwi.buffalo.edu. The Careers in Crystallography brochure has been added to the web page under the heading Career & Education. Virginia Pett would like to add links to other sites featuring crystallography education. You can send suggestions to her at pett@acs.wooster.edu.

CISTI's catalogue now on the web

The Canada Inst. for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI) had released its library catalogue on the WWW. The catalogue contains over 50,000 serial titles, half a million books and conference proceedings and technical reports. CISTI has one of the largest collections of published information in science, engineering and medicine in the world. The new web-based catalogue also contains records from the Canadian Agriculture Library. Unlimited catalogue searching is free. Free registration is required before placing an order for a document, and document charges apply. The documents can be delivered in print, online or by fax, and most orders are processed within two days. The catalogue is available at http://www.cat.cisti.nrc.ca.

SCA home page

The Soc. of Crystallographers in Australia website at http://www.sca.asn.au contains information on conferences, the Society's Constitution and the list of Council members with postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses. Past and current Newsletters, and sketches of crystallographic labs that have been included in recent issues have been tabulated. There are also links to other sites of crystallographic interest. and to educational material, information suitable for lectures and courses, jobs available in crystallography, and the homepages of crystallography labs in Australia. Photographs taken in Queenstown have been included on the SCA homepage.

Taken from SCA Newsletter, No 35, September 1997