List omissions

Dear Bill,

Has anyone tried polluted water for crystallization yet?

I thank you for including the write-up for the ACA Summer School in the latest IUCr Newsletter. However, there were two serious omissions in the list of lecturers: Robert Sparks and B.-C. Wang - the two co-organizers of the summer school.

The original list was alphabetically organized: (copied from original submission) "Course lecturers were N. L. Allinger (UGA), Wally Cordes (University of Arkansas), Richard Marsh (Cal Tech), Gary Newton (UGA), Ward Robinson (Canterbury University, New Zealand), John Rose (UGA), Robert Sparks (Siemens now Bruker Corp. consultant) and B.-C. Wang (UGA)".

Somehow, Allinger was moved to the end of the list and knocked out Sparks and Wang in the process.

Gary Newton, U. of Georgia, USA