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Acta Cryst. D: Macromolecular Crystallography

Human insulin/phenol complex. α-carbon chain histidines, zinc, and phenols shown. Courtesy of G. D. Smith.

The number of publications reporting crystal structures of biological macromolecules is rapidly increasing in the scientific literature. These articles cover both structural results and the development of new methods to help solve and interpret crystal structures. To accommodate this expanding area, a new section of Acta Crystallographica devoted to biological crystallography will be published, beginning with Volume 49 in Jan. 1993. The initiation of Section D is in keeping with the original aim of P. P. Ewald when he founded Acta Crystallographica in 1948 as the central place for the publication and discussion of crystallographic research. He expressed in the Editorial Preface the hope that "Acta will focus international discussion of problems of crystallography." The establishment of a separate section devoted to the discussion of macromolecular structures is clearly both an appropriate and a necessary means of preserving this goal.

All current subscribers to Acta Crystallographica Sections A or B will receive complimentary copies of Acta Crystallographica Section D for one year. After that time individual subscriptions for Acta Crystallographica Section D may be made.

Section D of Acta Crystallographica now welcomes the submission of manuscripts based on structures of biological macromolecules. A detailed set of instructions to authors is being prepared and will use a set of criteria for reporting structures that has been developed by the IUCr Commission on Biological Macromolecules and the IUCr Commission on Journals. Articles for submission to Acta D should be sent to: J. P. Glusker, Editor-in-Chief, The Inst. for Cancer Research, The Fox Chase Cancer Center, 7701 Burholme Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111, USA. Tel.: 215-728-2220; FAX: 215-728-3574; Internet: