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Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Crystallography (SGK)

A Crystal Chemistry Symposium honoring the 65th birthday of Professor Erwin Parthe will be held at the U. of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, Apr. 6-7, 1993. Invited speakers and titles will include E. Gladyshevskii (L'viv) "Crystal Chemistry of Intermetallic Compounds", K. Cenzual (Geneva) "TYPIX, Standardized Data and Crystal Chemical Characterization of Inorganic Structure Type", A. Gavezzotti (Milan) "Crystal Chemistry of Organic Compounds: Structure, Forces and Properties", A. Janner (Nijmegen) "Euclidean Properties of Crystals related to Non-Euclidean Crystallographic Symmetries", B. Eisenmann (Darmstadt) "Variations on a Valence Rule: The Zintl Compounds", S. Lidin (Lund) "Use and Generation of Infinite Periodic Minimal Surface", and E. Parthe (Geneva) "Application of the Bond Valence Concept to Tetrahedral Structures".

The SGK extends a special invitation to former and current collaborators, students and colleagues of E. Parthe to submit contributions for the poster session. The abstract deadline for posters is Jan. 23, 1993. To obtain further information send your name, postal address, telephone and telefax numbers, and e-mail address to the address indicated below. SGK-93, Lab de Cristallographie, 24 quai Ernest-Ansermet, CH-1211 Geneve 4, Switzerland. Tel.: (41 22) 702 62 49; FAX: (41 22) 7812192, e-mail: