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Feedback on previous issue

Dear Bill:

I read Volume 2, Number 1, of the IUCr Newsletter with interest. I did, however, note a couple of (typographic?) errors that may confuse the reader.

Monteath Robertson was never known as "M. Robertson". Most of his papers were signed "J. M. Robertson" although some had his middle name spelled out.

Ray Pepinsky was Director of the Groth Institute at Penn State, named for the famous crystallographer P. Groth. It is probably accurate to say that, in the period of 1949 through the mid-Fifties, everybody who was at all active in the world of structural crystallography made at least one pilgrimage to State College to use XRAC, where Ray was the presiding "guru".

I agree with Phil's statement that "the Commissions are the core of the Union ... ". It would considerably enhance the Newsletter if it regularly contained a higher percentage of (informal) contributions from the Commissions. I suspect that most Commission chairs (including the writer) are not yet accustomed to thinking of the Newsletter as a medium for reaching the vast  majority of crystallographers.

Sidney Abrahams
Chairman, Commission on Crystallographic Nomenclature