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US-CEE Joint Scientific Initiatives 1994-95

The Office for Central Europe and Eurasia of the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council offers grants to individual American specialists who wish to collaborate with their colleagues from Central/Eastern Europe (CEE) and the former Soviet Union (FSU).

Eligibility and Selection

Applications accepted from US citizens.

Visiting specialists must possess CEE or FSU citizenship and must hold a PhD.


Collaboration in Basic Science and Engineering (COBASE) Program is funded by US National Science Foundation and covers 25 countries in the CEE and FSU.

Short-Term Project Development Grants support American specialists who wish to host or visit their CEE or FSU colleagues for a two-week period in order to prepare a collaborative research proposal for submission to the National Science Foundation or other funding organizations.

Long-Term Grants support American specialists who wish to host or visit their CEE or FSU colleagues for familiarization with research for a period of one to six months. Significant publications jointly authored by program participants as a result of their long-term visits are strongly encouraged.

Accepted Fields: biological sciences, biochemistry, computer science, physics, and mathematics.

Grant Levels are as follows: $2,000-$2,200 Short-Term Project Development; $3,600-$12,100 Long-Term. Postmarking deadlines: Project Development and Long-Term - June 24, 1994; Project Development only - December 9, 1994.

Address inquiries to: Office for Central Europe and Eurasia, National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C., 20418, USA. Tel.: 202-334-3680, FAX: 202-334-2614, e-mail: