Academy membership for Alexander Wlodawer

Alexander Wlodawer, who was born in Poland and maintains very active collaborative links with Polish science, has been elected a foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). PAN has 350 national members (full and corresponding) and about 200 foreign members. Alex was elected by the vote of the General Assembly of the Academy, after a very competitive nomination by the Division of Biological Sciences. The membership was awarded by Andrzej Legocki, President of the Academy, on June 25, 2005, during the opening ceremony of the Inhibitors of Protein Kinases conference held in Warsaw. This honorable distinction recognizes his contribution to the advancement of structural biology, including discoveries fundamental for the development of drugs against AIDS and cancer and for our understanding of enzyme action. His accomplishments are linked to his research at the National Cancer Inst.- Frederick (USA), where he heads the Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory.

Mariusz Jaskolski, Poznan, Poland