Congratulations to the winners of the IUCr journals poster prizes!
The prize for the best crystallization poster from a young scientist at the 17th West Coast Protein Crystallography Workshop (Pacific Grove, CA, USA; March 20-23, 2005) was awarded to Serdar Uysal and team (U. of Chicago, IL, USA and Genentech, Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA) for the presentation “Crystallization Chaperones”. The selection committee consisted of H. Einspahr, P. Fitzgerald and A. McPherson, all members of the editorial board of the IUCr’s latest journal, Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications ( ). The winner was presented with a copy of International Tables for Crystallography Volume F, Crystallography of biological macromolecules.
The winner of the equivalent competition with the same prize at Recent Advances in Macromolecular Crystallization (Le Bischenberg, France, May 8-11, 2005) was Claude Sauter (Richard Giegé laboratory, IBMC-CNRS, U. of Strasbourg, France) for his poster “Crystallization in Gels: Principles and Practical Tips”, judged by C. Betzel (U. of Hamburg, Germany), H. Einspahr and A. McPherson.
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The new version of the IUCr’s free online directory of crystallographers and other scientists employing crystallographic methods allows you to modify your own entry via the web at any time and includes provision for multiple addresses, URLs, photographs, audio clips and more scientific and general interests. To update or add your entry, please visit Please note: readers who were in the 10th edition of the directory but have not yet checked their entry are urged to log in at the above address using their IUCr ID and password. Please direct any queries to