The cover is shared by Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin and Linus Pauling to whom this issue is dedicated and the new look of Acta Crystallographica. Beginning with the January 1994 issues, Acta A, C and D feature full colour glossy covers that match the progressive new approach that the journals editors are adopting to assure rapid publication of the best in the world of crystallography.
Old series (1993-2017)
Editors: William L. Duax, Judith Flippen-Anderson

Contents of issue

Letter from the President

What is crystallography and who is a crystallographer?
Philip Coppens

Letter to the Editor

Jerome KarleJerome KarleJohann Deisenhofer

Letter to the Editor

Request from Vietnam
Lecong Dzuong

Letter to the Editor

On behalf of Cuba
A. Mackay

Letter to the Editor

H. R. Wilson


William L. Duax

Feature article

Dorothy and Linus: science brings the world together
R. J. ParasdowskiN. W. Hunter

Feature article

Crystallography: a science for all seasons
G. A. Jeffrey

IUCr activities

CIF, COMCIFS, and other buzz words
I. D. Brown

IUCr activities

Macromolecular CIF dictionary
Philip E. Bourne

IUCr Congress

IUCr XVI - post-conference tour no. 4
Lodovico Riva di Sanseverino

Meeting report

High Tc superconductors
L. Riva di Sanseverino

Meeting report

European Mac-workshop 3rd EWCBM
G. Zanotti

Meeting report

Modern aspects of small-angle scattering
H. Brumberger

Meeting report

Crystallography in Venezuela
J. M. Delgado

Meeting report

Compton scattering and fermiology
W. Schülke

Meeting report

ICCBM-5 meets in San Diego
K. Ward

Meeting report

Crystallographic course
K. N. TruebloodB. M. Craven


Henry John Rossell (1936-1993)
D. J. M. ('Judge') Bevan

Advertising feature

New products

Book review



The ICDD moves forward
Gerald G. Johnson JrJulian Messick