Meeting report
Crystallographic course
Twenty-three students with varying degrees of experience attended the 2nd ACA Summer Course in Crystallography at the U. of Pittsburgh in Aug. 1993. The lecturers were K. Trueblood, R. Sparks, B. C. Wang, and B. Craven and the tutors were S. Geib, J. Rose, and J. Ruble. Many of the students brought crystals for analyzing. In all, 16 diffractometer data sets were collected, leading to 15 structure determinations and refinements during the period of the Course. Another three structures were determined from data sets collected prior to the Course. On the final day, the participants gave short reports on their work. The evaluation forms turned in by participants had helpful suggestions for continued improvement of the Course. Among the generally positive comments, there were several urging the continuation of the program including the following: 'I definitely think that this Course should continue to be offered because many places do not have classes in crystallography or people with enough time to instruct students.'
Staff and attendees at the 2nd ACA Summer Course in Crystallography. (Courtesy ACA Newsletter)
A third ACA summer Course for crystallography is scheduled for Aug. 1‑12, 1994. Contact: Brian Craven, Dept. of Cryst., U. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260.K. N. Trueblood and B. M. Craven