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European Mac-workshop 3rd EWCBM

The 3rd European Workshop on Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules held at Villa Olmo in Como, Italy, from May 24-28 offered an opportunity for informal exchange of results and ideas within the European biocrystallographic community. Lecturers were invited to speak about new and recent developments in crystallographic methodologies. Topics included crystallization, data collection, molecular replacement, NMR and electron crystallography, map interpretation, phasing, MAD, direct methods, density modification, virus crystallography, structure refinement, and new structure reports. The meeting offered the opportunity to young scientists to be informed of the new developments in the field and, at the same time, to present their results at an international meeting. Support was provided by the European Science Fndn., the IUCr, the U. of Padova, the Italian National Research Council, and some national and international companies. A few copies of the book of abstracts are still available and can be obtained by e-mail request to:

G. Zanotti Dip. Chimica Organica, U. of Padova
Via Marzolo 1, 35131 Padova, Italy