International focus of the Microscopy Society of America
Alwyn Eades
The Microscopy Society of America (formerly the Electron Microscopy Society of America) is a professional society with over 4000 members. Most of them are electron microscopists, but there are also many members who work in confocal microscopy, tunneling and probe microscopics, and so on. The membership of the society is divided - roughly equally - between those in the biomedical sciences and those in the physical sciences. Many of the Society's members use crystallography in their work.In 1991 the Society set up its Int'l Committee. Although the Committee has, as its charge, dealing with all international aspects of microscopy, in practice the Committee concentrates on working for the benefit of microscopists in developing countries in financial crisis. The programs of the Int'l Committee include:
MSA sends the Bulletin (the Society's journal) free to any microscopy society in a developing or dollar-poor country, which requests it.
The Society will contribute to the travel expenses of senior members of the Society who arc invited speakers at conferences held in developing countries.
The MSA Awards provide free registration at the annual meeting for (a limited number of) attendees from developing countries.
The Society sponsors (but without financial support) exchange programs. A group of speakers from the USA delivers a short course of a very practical kind on a specific topic.
The Society has become involved in the reorganization of science in the countries of eastern Europe. In particular, it has helped in the formation of the Armenian Electron Microscopy Society.
Under a new program which is still experimental, free membership in the Society is offered to (a limited number)
Society is offered to (a limited number) of microscopists in developing or dollar-poor countries who could not otherwise participate in the Society's activities.
The Int'l Committee does a number of things in the USA to promote awareness of its work. These have included a presentation to science attach.6s in Washington, participation in the Consortium of Affiliates for Int'l Programs of the AAAS, and surveying of the international activities and interests of the membership of the Society.
Contact: A. Eades, Materials Research Laboratory, U. of Illinois, 104 S. Goodwin, Urbana, IL 61801-2985, or 217-333-8396 or EADES@uimrl7.mrl. uiuc.cdu (internet)