Book review
Structure Analysis by X-ray Crystallography, by B. Frenz, R.A. Sparks, C.E. Strouse, and K.N. Trueblood (1993, 183 p., $15). Lecture Notes from the ACA Summer 'Course for Crystallographers' an excellent supplementary text for teaching. The 22 chapters have been augmented by four appendices: 'How Computers Handle Symmetry,' and 'The Optics of Diffractometer Alignment' by E. Gabe 'A Few Applications of CSD Software' by Trueblood, and '7 Exercises' by Strouse.
Biomolecular Interactions. A Practical Workshop on Computational Approaches (1993, 261 p., $25). Lecture Notes from the 1993 ACA Meeting co-sponsored by the Molecular Graphics Society. Detailed notes from all ten lecturers describe approaches and particular program packages.
A complete catalog of over 2,000 titles of interest to crystallographers arc available from Polycrystal Book Service, PO Box 3439, Dayton, OH 45401 USA. Tel. and FAX: 513-223-9070.
Structure and Properties of Crystals, a new book on crystallography by 1. Kraus (Academia, Prague, 1993, 275 p.) and Fundamentals of Structure Analysis by V. Valvoda, M. Polcarova, and P. Lukac (Charles U. Press, Prague, 1992, 492 p. ) were published last year. Another three monographs (I. Kraus: Principles of X-ray Structure Analysis, Academia, Prague 1985; 1. Kraus, V.V. Trofimov: X-ray Tensometry, Academia, Prague 1988, and 1. Kraus: X-ray Stress Analysis of No-Uniform Stress Fields Academia, Prague 1990) complete the eight year publication record reflecting the effort of the Czech and Slovak crystallographers to promote crystallography in their region. For further information contact, Dr. Fiala, Central Research Inst. SKODA, 31600 Plzen, The Czech Republic.
Understanding DNA: the Molecule and How it Works by C.R. Calladine and H. R. Drew (Academic Press) describes the basic units of DNA and how these form the double helix; characterizes the various types of DNA double helix that have been found; explains how and why DNA twists and curves; discusses the mechanisms of DNA supercoiling; summarizes the assembly of DNA and protein into chromosomes; outlines the principles of the methods employed to study DNA structure; contains over 100 illustrations, some in full color and simple exercises. Horace Drew determined DNA crystal structures with R. Dickerson at Caltech, studied chromosome structures with A. Klug at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England and is a Principal Research Scientist at the CSIRO Division of Biomolecular Engineering in Sydney, Australia.